2. To Ploy and Perceive ✯

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Jace to the side. HE LIKES CATS GUYS ASDFGHKL <3<3 >>>>>>


"I was thinking about our next sess-"

"Buzz off, I'm trying to sleep." He said, then ended the phone call.

It was coming up to ten in the evening and I had only just checked my phone, I had three text messages from Jace and one from Flynn.

Jace: when should we do our next session?

Jace: hello? Anybody home?

Jace: gosh, you should really check your phone more often.

Flynn: where is you am i?

Of course, Flynn wouldn't make sense because he's probably out with friends. Unlike me, he kept a fairly large group of friends. He would be at a houseparty one night, then out clubbing with his fake ID another night, and sometimes I would catch him coming straight to school after pulling an all nighter and make his way straight over to the showers in the gym, smelling of alcohol and dressed messily.

Jace however, is a certified clingy little bastard. He also slept really early, it was only ten-thirty and it was an extremely boring Friday evening.

Since our little Starbucks trip, we have and one and a half other sessions. I say 'half' because I walked out of the second one halfway through due to me being extremely tired and lazy.

Usually, our sessions lasted two and a half hours. Come on, does he expect me to stay for even two hours?

I still had no clue what time our session was meant to be tomorrow because Jace was too tired to talk to me.

I still rang him again though.



"What do you want?" I heard a sleepy Jace on the line.

"You know, hanging up on people mid-sentence is really rude." I pointed out, all sassy like. "What time is our session tomorrow?"

"I'm exhausted, alright? Am I not allowed to sleep anymore now that you're under my wing?"

"Wha- how does that even make sense. I'm not 'under your wing'."

"Four o'clock  tomorrow, my house. I'll text you the address. Okay?"

"Sure. Gosh, someone's in a mood"

"Goodnight Zach,"

"Night J. Don't let the bed bugs bite."

"J? How is that ev-" I cut Jace off mid sentence, which was exactly what he did to me and grinned to myself like the Cheshire Cat before falling asleep in my own peaceful slumber.

- - - - - - -

"Hey hon, where are you heading out?" Mum asked me while hovering over the stove.

"Meeting some friends."

"You have friends?" Liam asked, awestruck.

"Yes. Do you?"

"You hang out with my friends and convert them to nice people." He said and shivered.

I convert them to nice people? Did Liam just compliment me?

I started walking to the door. A compliment from Liam is rare, like really rare. I felt all full of myself as I stepped over the threshold.

"Where do you think you're going?" Dad's deep voice rung.

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