Chapter 2

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Long after the sunset, I drift aimlessly. The twinkling stars shine above me, and I finally feel at peace.

Alone in the night sky, I can be myself. The problems down there can't touch me up here. No one is looking for me. No one is watching me. I can just be.

I want to dwell on the darkness, but I force myself to remember the good that could come from this. I am a fairy, after all, we are supposed to be carefree and light. We're supposed to be chipper and happy.

Do I want to marry Mykle? No. Not even a little bit, but there could be a silver lining. He has been training to be a warrior with his father. He'll most likely be gone for months at a time, defending against the beasts of the underworld.

We will be married, but he won't be sitting across the table from me each night, loathing me. He will be off, earning respect and valor beside his father.

I'll be truly free for the first time in my life. Out of the protective custody of my parents, with a husband often away, I'll be allowed to live. No one will be looking over my shoulder. My marriage may very well be a sham, but I can still find happiness somewhere.

I cling to the hope that he will leave for training very quickly after our wedding.

Maybe he'll even die.

I cup my hands over my mouth and look around, anxious that someone somehow heard my horrible, vile thoughts. Disgusted with myself, I decide to finally fly home. I don't deserve to stay up here any longer. I don't deserve the peace.

What is wrong with me?

Everything is dark and quiet when I break through the clouds. I know I should find my parents, but I'm going to see my sister first. By now, she'll have heard about our disastrous dinner.

She will be on my side. She can't do anything to help me, but at least I can vent my frustrations without fear of judgment.

Landing on Katya's balcony, I notice instantly that her door is closed. She never closes her door.

Taping the glass gently, a yelp, and shuffling from inside pique my interest. That sounded like more than one person.


"O-One second." She sounds frantic. When a loud thud shakes the door, I push it open.

"Holy fucking shit!" I spin around, covering my eyes with my hand.

"This isn't what it looks like!" She shrieks, jumping up from the floor.

"Really? It looks like you're fucking my fiancé." I try to roll my lips into my mouth to keep from laughing, but it's no use.

"A-Are you laughing?" Mykle sounds stunned.

"Are you decent? I don't want to see that again." Turning around, I'm met with their horrified faces. Mykle is still trying to turn his shirt right-way-round and Kat is tying her robe as fast as she can.

"Please, don't hate me, Robin! As soon as we met, I just-"

The cackling laughter that bursts out of me stops her begging. "I'm sorry," I try to compose myself, but I can't. The relief that has washed over me is so tingly and full that I can't hide it.

I would have married him. I would have set aside my own desires and dreams for my family. Now, he can marry my sister. My parents will be happy, High Alwen will be honored, and everyone can leave me the hell out of it.

"I don't hate you! I'm thrilled that you two like each other so much. Far be it from me to stand in the way. Why didn't you tell me? I would have understood, Kat." I try not to sound too excited about this.

"I was afraid. Mom and dad are going to be so angry!" The guilt on her face and the way her chin trembles remind me of how shitty this situation is. I was so relieved that for a moment it slipped my attention that my sister and my fiance are carrying on an affair behind my back.

Even still, I can't find it in me to be upset.

The door on the opposite side of the room flies open just as she steps toward me to hug me. Our parents burst in, making the room feel very small. They survey the damage and immediately try to contain it.

"Robin, darling, it's not what it looks like-"

"Mom, it's fine. Look, I know she's young, but if Katya likes him-"

"It has to be you. You will still marry him." My father's voice is so eerily calm.

"What?" A resounding chorus of disbelief comes from all of us. Mykle looks as disgusted as I feel.

"Dad, you can't be serious!"

"You are our oldest daughter. You have to marry him. That's final."

"Like hell! I don't want to marry him, clearly, he doesn't want to marry me. You would make me marry a man that was just fucking my sister?" This feels like a dream. I'm caught between laughing and crying. It's so absurd that I want to laugh as the rage starts to churn in my stomach.

"It has to be you."

"Why?" I feel myself spiraling. If I don't get a handle on this, it's going to get ugly, fast.

"I am your father. Just do as I say and trust that it is for your own good."

"For my own good?" My blood starts to boil, spreading the seething fury from my racing heart through my limbs. My vision goes spotty. "Tell me what the fuck is going on! Is High Alwen blackmailing you or something?"

"Hey!" Mykle growls. "Of course, not!"

"Robin, there are things that are best left alone. This is one of them. Tomorrow, you will marry Mykle, joining yourself to him with a bond of fae magic." Mom reaches for my hand, but I jerk it away.

"I will not bind myself to him. You'll have to do it over my unconscious body!" I hear myself screaming.

"That can be arranged. We can do this easy or hard, but we will do it." My father's cold eyes are like gasoline on a fire. My body seizes, and my eyes roll back. I can't control my movements or speak, but I can still hear my mother screaming.

"Soon, little bird," a rumbling voice echoes in my mind.

"Soon, little bird," a rumbling voice echoes in my mind

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