Chapter 24

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"Wake up," I poke his face.

"Woman," he growls, rolling over so that his back is toward me.

"I'm hungry!"

"You know where the kitchen is!" He half turns before turning back to sleep.

I open my mouth but stop myself. It's true, I do know where the kitchen is. Huffing, I pull myself out of bed, wincing at the achiness everywhere. I feel like I've been ripped apart.

Pulling his robe over my body, I creep down the hallway and stairs. Every muscle is overworked and tender, each step sends sharp, warm pain down my legs and through my stomach.

Clicks and clanks from the kitchen make me smile. I kind of like these weird little guys.

When I push the swinging door open, they freeze, looking at me with wide eyes before quickly scrambling nervously, running in circles around each other with their gangly arms flailing before rushing out of the room.

After making coffee, I ease myself slowly into a chair. Sitting slightly on one side to avoid putting direct pressure on my ravaged, swollen vagina.

I groan and shift in the seat to find the least terrible position.

"Sore?" He chuckles from behind me.

"Very." But I'm not complaining. The pain with every movement serves as a reminder.

"Too sore to go out?"


"You're free to roam," he smiles, leaning against the counter with his coffee.


"Anywhere, you're as free as a bird."

My brow quirks up, "You know, that's a really shitty thing to say."

"Is it?" He grins, completely aware.

"Yes. It's also pretty fucked up that you call me 'little bird.' You're an asshole."

He pushes off from the counter and leans down, holding the armrests on either side of me. "You'll be eating those words."

"I doubt it." I take a smug sip to cover the fact that his closeness is making my heart race. I'm very naked under this robe, and my body is battered, but the memories of last night make me want to make bad decisions.

"We'll see." He tips my chin back, kissing me so softly that it takes me by surprise.

None of our kisses have been soft. The fury has been replaced by this comfortable feeling. Taking my cup, he tosses it to the ground before lifting me out of the chair and carrying me out of the kitchen.

"We didn't eat!"

"Later." He carries me directly into the bathroom. "You're going to want to see what I have to show you."

Nervous excitement flutters in my stomach.

"You're getting my hopes up. This better be good."

"Trust me," he slides his hands over my shoulders, pulling the robe off.

I do trust him.

The realization is like a kick in the chest. I really trust him.

Wrapping my arms around his waist, I hug him. Holding him, his towering height and hard muscles beneath scarred skin, he feels smaller, or I feel bigger. I'm not sure which. He's just Cerberus now. My Cerberus.

My breath catches, my mind racing to calculate whether or not I'll be able to survive another round right now. I must be transparent because his lip twitches, a knowing look on his face as he takes me by the hand and leads me into the hot shower.

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