Chapter 25

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His hand wraps around my ankle, pulling me down into his arms.

"You're very fast," his lips hover over mine. "But not fast enough."

Leaning in, I kiss him softly, but he doesn't let it remain that way for long. His lips take over, his tongue slipping into my mouth. A feverish need for him takes over, igniting in my belly and spreading outward until I'm consumed by the flames.

With my legs around his waist, he spines us, slowly spiraling upward, higher and higher, until I'm delirious from the lack of oxygen.

"You're beautiful," his fingers trace over my wings, sending goosebumps over my skin. "You were made for the sky."

My wings, his lips, the altitude, everything is swirling in my blood, working together to create a lethal combination of lust and need. I know how sore my body is, but I can't find it in me to care. I want him. Every long, thick inch.

Reaching down between us, I slide my fingers over the swollen tip of his cock. Even through the fabric of his pants, I can feel it pulsating against my hand. That delicious twitch that makes my mouth water and my pussy ache.

"Cerebrus," I squeeze him tighter.

"You want me to fuck you, way up here?" He nips at my lower lip, the sting of his teeth sends a gush of warmth between my legs.

"Yes." There is no world where I don't regret this in the morning, but I'll deal with that then.

He wastes no time pulling his pants down enough to free himself. With his hands digging into my hips, he holds me firmly in place. His tip nudging against me as he flips us, diving toward the ground. Dropping my hands, I trust his grip to hold me as I surrender to the feeling of free falling.

We drop, increasing speed by the second, head first.

My heart beats against my ribcage, fear creeping in beneath the exhilaration and trust. Forcing my eyes closed, I embrace the feeling. His lips suction to the mark on my neck, creating a burst of fireworks in my chest, burning, tingling, and bright. It's as if the bite mark has a direct connection to my clit. I feel each flick of his tongue in both places.

Blood rushes to my head as we plummet, but I don't care. I can't think straight with his mouth on me like this.

My body jerks as he spins us suddenly, flipping us so that I'm lying on top of him. Opening my eyes, I cry out in shock and pleasure as I realize just how close we came to hitting the ground, just as he pushes himself into me completely all at once. I'm so hot and wet that the only resistance is the sheer size of him.

With my legs still wrapped around his waist, he soars upward, using his arms to lift and lower me onto his cock. All of my senses are lost in this assault of pleasure. The hot desert wind whips through my hair, burning my skin. His hands dig into my hips. His cock fills me to capacity. He breathes fire into my lungs.

The sky is our playground as we race into the wind. I feel completely free.

I'm wide open. Not only in the physical sense that anyone that bothers to look up will get an eyeful of everything. My heart feels open, like it's been ripped right out of my chest, and he's holding it in his hands. He's a beast, he could squish it with one squeeze, but he doesn't, he's soft.

He licks my neck, swirling his tongue over his mark, and my pussy clenches, squeezing his cock.

"Eyes on me." One hand clamps down on my neck while the other presses me against him so that he can roll his hips. The movement is so small, but it created a shockwave inside of me. Each little thrust presses him deep inside of me while rubbing against my clit.

"You're so close, I can feel it. Fuck, I love your tight little cunt." He rolls his hips again, pushing forward to hit me so deep pain shoots down my legs—pain and so much pleasure.

"Scream," he growls as he pulls me down on him even harder. "I want the far corners of the underworld to hear you screaming my name."

Struggling to keep my eyes open through the intensity of the building pressure in my stomach, I drop my head back and obey. Screaming into the wind as my body spasms and he drops, free falling out of the sky.

"Goddamn you," I scream as I'm hit with tremor after tremor or paralyzing shocks. It's so good that it's bad. I can't breathe, every muscle aches, but I don't want it to stop. Wave after wave after wave until I'm drowning.

Roaring as he comes, he crushes my body into his chest. I feel every twitch and jerk as he empties himself inside of me. A guttural growl rips from deep in his chest, echoing through the sky.

His feet hit the ground, landing hard in the cold snow. When did he fly us home?

From behind us, loud cheering and clapping send me into an instant panic.

"That was the greatest thing I've ever seen!"

Peeling my burning red face out of his neck, I turn to find Hades and Orenlea standing on the driveway.

"Look at me!" Hades points. "I'm hard as a fucking rock. You guys have to come to my next party! That flying sex thing will be all the rage, everyone will love it!"

"No," I whisper, to Cerberus through gritted teeth. His chest shakes as he tries to hide his laughter.

Pulling me up slightly, he takes me off of his impressively hard cock and sets me on my feet. My legs wobble, but I'm able to remain upright.

"As wonderful as that was to behold, I came to ask a favor." Hades is suddenly serious.


"The Seilenos." He growls. "You've got to get them the fuck out of my house! Let them stay with you for the remainder of their visit. It will only be a few days, a week at most. They are driving me to the brink of insanity."

Oh, no. I bite back a groan. Not the dick guys!

"Of course, they can stay."


This book is completed and available on my Patreon! You also get access to my library of over 30 adult romance books! 


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