Chapter 4

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Slipping down below the water, I hold my body under until my lungs burn.

A tight grip on my arm yanks me up.

Coughing and blinking the water from my eyes, I turn to see my mom, watching my angrily. "Don't do that." She scolds before tossing a towel at me.

"We have a lot to do, it's time to get out." She gives me her best fake smile. Since she came in to wake me up a few hours ago, she's been acting as if nothing happened.

She hasn't mentioned anything. In fact, she's buzzing around like the doting mother of the bride, like I actually want this wedding.

Kat and I sneakily exchange glances every time she says or does something weird.

Like when she brought me lingerie sets to choose from. I felt myself starting to sway, the irritation rising to anger at her insensitivity.

Why would I care about the lingerie under my dress? I don't want to marry him. I'm not eager to choose something that he will enjoy.

In fact, I want to wear something hideous. I'm not going to help him along in any way. This is not going to be that kind of wedding night. If he so much as tries...

The thought of sleeping with him before was awful. Now, it's downright repugnant. Not only do I want nothing to do with him, but the whole fucked up situation is made even worse knowing how much my sister actually does want him.

Why are they forcing this on me? I've spent hours trying to understand, but nothing makes sense.

"Are you sure you want to wear these?" She picks at the plain bra.


With an unusually gentle touch, Grace combs through my hair and begins styling it. I think, for the first time, she actually understands what's happening here.

The minutes feel like they are whizzing by. Time is flying at warp speed, and I'm powerless to stop it.

"Look down," Grace whispers before sweeping liner across my lashline.

The little condolences aren't working anymore. It doesn't matter that he will be gone or that I won't be under my parents' watchful eyes. None of it matters because I'll be bound to him forever.

No one has ever been bound against their will. I've read every book and ancient text we have. It's never been recorded, ever.

"What will happen after the soul binding ceremony?"

Mom's eyes grow huge, and she stares in silence for a moment. "Um," she stutters, and I notice her hand shaking. She doesn't know how to answer. "You will each make a small cut on your hands, letting drops of blood fall-"

"No," I stop her. "I know how the ceremony works. I mean, what happens after? Will I feel connected to him? It's supposed to feel like one soul in two bodies. I should want him more than anyone in the world. I should crave him. Even in the most excruciating pain, the smell of his skin should be enough to calm me down. Remember the legends you used to read to us?" Tears well up in my eyes. "Remember Eire and Titan? They laughed, holding one another, even as the demons of the underworld tore them apart. The bond was so strong that they didn't even feel the pain. Will I have that with Mykle?"

Everyone is crying. The painful silence is like a hot knife to my chest.

I won't have that with Mykle. I know it. They know it.

"I-I'm not sure what it'll be like," she sniffles, dabbing a cloth beneath her eyes.

She doesn't know what it will be like, but I'm sure she can guess what it won't be like. Binding souls is more precious and sacred than any other magic we can produce. It is to be done with hearts full of love and longing for one another.

"It is almost sundown, is her makeup almost finished?" She moves on from the uncomfortable conversation about my doomed life.

"Yes," Grace spins my chair around, revealing my sullen face.


Glancing up, I lock my eyes with Kat. She's struggling to smile. Slefishly, I pull away. Hiding behind my own self pity, I won't be forced to stop wallowing. Not now.

Maybe tomorrow I can find it in my heart to comfort her. For now, I'm barely staying afloat as it is. I won't make it if I have to think about her pain and suffering too.

"Come," I'm pulled out of my sorrow by the glimmering white of my dress being flashed before me. Intricate crystals sewn into the fabric catch the light. It's almost glows.

I hate the dress.

It's the most beautiful gown I've ever seen, but I'm wearing it to my funeral.

Stepping into the soft, silky material, I blink to keep the tears away.

"It's perfect," Mom whimpers. "You're the most beautiful bride, Robin."

"Your majesty, we need to hurry. You and Katya still need to dress." Grace ushers them out into the hallway.

Frozen in front of the mirror, I watch their reflections as they leave.

"I will be back for you, Robin," She whispers before closing the door behind her.

When I'm finally alone, for the first time all day, I sink to the ground. The long train and billowy fabric of my dress are bunching up around me. Gasping for air, I clutch my chest and choke on the sob that will not be contained in my throat.

Jumping to my feet, I run for the door. I yank on the handle and am surprised when it does not open.

They locked me in?

Running to the balcony, I shake the handle, but it won't open either. When did they lock this?

Staring up at the darkening sky, I whisper against the glass. Praying to the fates, or to anyone who might be listening, I lean against the glass.

"Please, help me. Please!"

I know it's locked, but I shake the knob anyway. hoping against reason that it will magically open.

I wonder how far I would get before I was mauled and eaten by a creature from the Underworld or captured by my father's men. If given the choice, I might choose to be mauled. At least that's a quick death.

A sharp scream from outside and the red flicker of flames catch my eye.


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