Chapter 28

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Pain radiates in my head before I even manage to peel my eyes open. "Cerberus?" I roll slightly, forcing myself to sit up despite the room spinning around me. A wave of nausea sweeps my legs out from under me, and I slump forward.

"Robin! Don't try to stand!" Kat lifts my legs back into the bed.

"Kat?" I groan before it hits me. "Kat!" I sit up, ignoring the way the pain radiates from the back of my head and pressure pushes on the back of my eyes.

"Robin, lie back-"

"Where is Cerberus?" I'm screaming, but I can't stop myself.

"You're home now. Dad saved you!"

"Saved me? From what?"

"Robin, you hit your head! You have a really bad gash. Please, try to rest. I promise, you're safe now. Dad put a guard outside of your room to watch you. Rest, let yourself heal."

Tears drip down my cheeks, sliding down into my ears as I feel myself drifting. I can't move, I don't even have the strength to explain to her what is happening. I'm dizzy and confused, and the ache in my neck is almost worse than the pain in my head.

My brain feels hazy. I'm trying to figure out how I got here as I slip into unconsciousness, but the pieces are missing. The last thing I remember is falling asleep in his arm, my face pressed against his chest.

It feels like only a moment, the blink of an eye, but when I wake up, I'm alone in the dark.

Reaching up, I feel the tender, broken skin on the back of my head. Sitting up, I feel woozy, but it's not as bad as before.

Moonlight slips in through the window behind long, gauzy curtains, illuminating the room. My bedroom. The room I slept in every night of my life. It doesn't feel like home. It feels cold and lonely.

Climbing out of bed, I creep toward the door. Slowly twisting the doorknob. Locked.

"Fuck," I groan, steadying myself against the wall as I walk toward my balcony. Peeking outside, my heart sinks. There is another guard on the ground.

Testing the handle, I find it locked.

Fresh tears spring to my eyes, but these tears are different. This is rage, boiling inside of me that needs to escape.

My own father kidnapped me and locked me like a prisoner in my childhood bedroom. Sliding down to the floor, I wrap my arms around my legs, curling up small.

A sound at the door makes my eyes flutter open. It's morning now, with light streaming in through the windows and door.

The door swings open, and my parents walk in.

"Sweetheart!" Mom rushes toward me. "Why are you on the floor?"

I pull away, recoiling from her touch. "Get away from me!" I snap at her, and she flinches as if I hurt her.

"Robin," Dad says, sitting on the end of my bed. "I-"

"Where is Cerberus?"

His eyes narrow as he takes me in. The fake concern that was there a moment ago is gone, slipping to reveal the disgust on his face. How dare he. He really has some nerve, acting like I am somehow the one here who is revolting.

"What happened to your wings?" Mom touches them lightly. "Did he do this to you?"


"Of course, he did," Dad growls.

"Where is he?" I shout.

"You're safe now, Robin," Mom sweeps her hand across my forehead, moving my damp hair out of my face. "He's gone."

Destined to the Hellhound: BEASTWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu