Chapter 27

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Jolting up in bed, I'm panicking in a full sweat. The echo of a scream hangs in the air over us.

"Robin?" He's immediately up, sitting beside me in the dark. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know. Something's happening." My heart is hammering in my chest.

As soon as the words pass my lips, the doorbell rings through the silent house.

"Fuck," he growls. "The gate. Come. Ignore the door. I'm being summoned to the gate."

"Right now? It's a trap!"

"I cannot ignore a summons, Robin. I have to go." He pulls me up.

"Ok," I haphazardly start pulling on my clothes. Without taking the time to put on shoes, he has me in his arms, leaping from the large window into the wind.

Flying side by side, we race to the wall. Before we reach the river, a sound, so loud and chilling vibrates in the air that my body jolts. My wings falter, only for a beat, but it's enough to scare me.

He grabs me, pulling me into his chest. "You have to go back."

"I can't! We have to stick together."

"It's a Fomorian. You can't be there. The scent of you will drive him wild."

Gulping, I look into his eyes. There is no fear, but he is deadly serious. There is no way he's going to let me come there.

"A Fomorian?" I try to sound unaffected, but my voice shakes. There is nothing more frightening to a fairy. The sound of his screech sent a chill through my bones.

"There is one here, usually locked deep in the heart of Tartarus. It is obviously a trap. There is no way a fairy eating monster that is as stupid as a rock was able to escape from the deepest pit in hell alone. I have to go nonetheless. It's my job. If I don't go and he escapes, he will eat half the fairies in the world before we can contain him. Go to Hades. By now he will be aware of this, and the party at his house will have ended. The Seilenos are there. Wait with them; they won't let anything happen to you."

"I don't want to leave you!"

"I know, but you absolutely cannot be there. If he smells you, it will make him uncontrollable. I'm sure he's being used as a diversion. Just stay with them." He kisses me so intensely that for a brief moment, I forget everything. "I'll be right back. He's no match for me."


As we pull apart, poised to fly in opposite directions, fear grips my heart like a vice. We need to stay together.

We both know that this is a trap, but it's impossible to navigate. He has to go, and I can't follow him. We're fucked.

Speeding through the dark, I see the River Styx in the distance. A flash on the ground catches my attention.

What is that?

A small, glowing light. It looks like it's moving through the air.

By the time I realize that it's coming right for me, it's too late. I dive down, but it hits my leg, sending a sharp, burning fire through me. My body tenses, paralyzed by pain, as I fall from the sky.

It's only a momentary reaction, but it lasts long enough to bring me to the ground.

"Well, fuck," a bitter voice snarls in the dark. "You were supposed to fall into the Styx, never to be seen or heard from again."

"Lillinaya," I growl, pulling myself to my feet. My injured leg dragging behind me.

"I should have known that you would be involved in this somehow, you jealous bitch."

She steps out of the darkness, a wicked smile on her teeth. "Don't worry. When you're gone, I'll take care of Cerberus."

"There is a little flaw in that." I smile back, as sweetly as I can manage.

"Yeah? What's that?"

"I'm not dead."

Lunging forward, using my wings to pick up the slack of my leg, I wrap my hands around her neck.

"This feels like deja vu, doesn't it? You should have learned your lesson."

She turns sharply, forcing me to the ground, her body on top of mine. She's an idiot. Using my wings as leverage, I push up, throwing her to the side and rolling. She has no chance of keeping me on my back.

Her fist comes out when I'm not expecting it, making hard contact with my cheek. The corner of my lip is busted, I can taste the blood immediately, but it only serves to further piss me off.

Grabbing her by the hair, I return the gesture, the bones in her nose crunching beneath my fist. A gush of blood pours from her nose, but I'm not done.

We fight like cats, clawing at each other, rolling across the hot, desert sand. Each second feels like hours as we meet each other with another hit, then another, neither one of us willing to back down.

"You thought this would be easy because I'm a fairy, didn't you? That was your second fatal mistake tonight."

"Oh yeah?" She snarls. "And what was the first?"

"Ever thinking, even for one second, that you had a chance with Cerberus." I shoot forward, grabbing her and locking my arms around her. Bolting upward, I fly up over the river.

When she realizes what I'm doing, she panics, clutching me with a death grip.

"Wait!" She starts pleading. "You don't understand! They-"

Before she has time to try to weasel her way out of this, I kick my legs, forcing her body away from mine.

"Wait!" She screams.

"You belong to Hades now," I kick again, and she falls, terror in her eyes as she slips into the darkness.

My body aches, battered, bloody, and bruised as I slowly make my way back to the house. I know he told me to go to Hades' house, but I can't. My wings are leading me home. I have to go back. None of this makes any sense. She released a Fomorian and then tried to kill me. That's a bit of an extreme reaction to being choked out.

As I reach the house, the feeling of dread is so strong that it's choking me.

Everything is quiet, and there are no lights on anywhere.

"Cerberus?" I call out, breaking the silence.

Creeping up the driveway on foot, I listen for anything. My heart pounding in my chest is the only thing I can hear. As I reach the steps that lead up to the door, my foot slips, gliding across the wood on something thick and wet.


"Cerberus?" I scream, running the last few steps.

Inside, there is more blood, pooled on the ground at the entrance to the house.

I hear a sound, a footstep, before a sharp blow cracks against the back of my skull and everything goes black.

This book is completed and available on my Patreon! You also get access to my library of over 30 adult romance books! 


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