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[ irl ]

it took way too long to get to kai and nick. willow and bin were stopped like three times by family members asking for pictures or just making random conversation.

apparently her aunt vivian had a baby earlier this year. bin had no idea, but she honestly couldn't care less at the moment. regardless, she congratulated her aunt before quickly leaving and heading toward nick and kai.

except, when she approaches them, it isn't just the two boys. all three triplets are standing next to kai. when bin spots matt, she turns to glare at willow. but willow is convieniently looking in the opposite direction.

"bin!" nick says happily when he noticed her.

this is when matt finally looks up at her. they make eye contact and bin tries her best to hold it. despite her efforts, she ends up breaking it and turning to face nick with a forced smile.

"hey," she says.

"bro," chris says to bin as he joins into the conversation, "you look exhausted. you good?"

bin nods, "yeah, i'm fine."

she finds herself glancing in matt's direction again, but he was already staring at her. most people avert their eyes when they're caught staring. matt didn't, of course. he just kept watching her, his eyes trailing down her entire body as to memorize every movement she makes.

just as bin opens her mouth to say something, intending to interrupt their stare-down, someone else beats her to it.

"robin!" her mom shouts. she looks over in the direction of her voice before seeing her drunken mother waving her over. bin sighs before beginning to walk toward her mom. but before she can get far, her mom adds something else. "matthew! you too, come on!"

bin turns around and sees matt awkwardly point to his chest, making sure she's not talking to a different matthew. when bin's mom nods, confirming that he's the matt she's referring to, he gives her a tight-lipped smile and walks up to bin.

together, they walk toward her mom – who is standing across the whole room.

"thank you, by the way." bin whispers, low enough only matt can hear her, as they pass through random family members.

matt looks down at her as they walk. she continues to look forward as he watches her for a long moment before asking, "for what?"

this is when she finally looks up at him. their eyes meet and something passes between them.

they both know they should hate each other. i mean, bin literally ruined his only chance at dating again. regardless, their past keeps popping into matt's mind. he keeps remembering the smiles she gave him, the laughter they shared, the inside jokes they had, the amount of times they've cried on the other's shoulder, the kisses when they were dating, all of it.

he wants to burn those memories and hate the girl in front of him wholeheartedly. but he just can't. and it pisses him the fuck off.

"bin! matt!" her mom greets them eccentrically when they approach her.

her mom suddenly pulls her bin into a hug – which is incredibly out of character for her. she's normally not very touchy. bin's mom usually leans more toward quality time for her love language.

bin backs out of the hug, "what'd you call us over here for?"

matt stands behind bin awkwardly, hovering over her because the people here make him uncomfortable. even though they're her family, some of them give off weird vibes that he doesn't like.

"i wanted to meet you boyfriend!" her mom says, looking up at matt with a drunken smile and slurred words.

"well, now would be a good time to tell you," bin starts, "we're not actually-"

"what do you do for work?" her mom interrupts her, seeming to have not even heard bin speak.

matt has to work up the nerve to reply to her. people bring drunk doesn't necessarily make him uncomfortable because he's not traumatized or anything. but seeing bin's mom drunk reminds him of when bin was drunk, which therefore reminds him of the christmas party. and that particular party isn't his favorite thing to think about.

"i'm a youtuber with my brothers." matt answers her.

bin's mom stares at him for a moment, waiting for him to add something to the end of his sentence. but when he doesn't and she realizes he's being serious, bin's mom just looks to her daughter for an explanation.

of course, bin doesn't have anything to say to explain. she's honestly genuinely pissed that her mom is being so rude to matt. who is she to disapprove of what he does for work?

"well that's not a very stable job, now is it, honey?" bin's grandma asks matt as she joins into the conversation with a smile. "i mean, social media in itself isn't the most reliable source for anything. why would you trust it to provide you with money?"

matt doesn't say anything. he doesn't want to disrespect this old lady, but he also feels the urge to shout at her. so he goes with the safe option – staying silent.

"we're done here." bin says, grabbing matt's hand and beginning to pull him away from the small group of bin's least favorite family members.

matt suddenly becomes very aware of the feeling that comes with bin holding his hand. since they used to be a couple, they held hands all the time. in fact, it was matt's favorite thing. he felt like they could both say so much to each other with a simple brush of the hand. he could tell if she was anxious, happy, upset, or annoyed all just by the way she held his hand.

and that skill must not have strayed very far. because he can feel all of her anxieties and worries as she drags him away from her grandmother.

bin keeps her eyes pinned on her friends across the room as she walks forward, unintentionally squeezing matt's hand. the tight grip she has on him is bearable in the beginning, but after a while he feels like she's gonna break his bones. still, he says nothing, letting her use him as an outlet for her frustration.

they finally get to where willow, kai, and his brothers are. bin is still holding his hand when they approach the group. they all turn to the pair, expecting a funny story or something interesting to be said by one of them.

"i need to use the bathroom." bin says, releasing matt's hand and rushing to the restroom.

matt knows her better than that, though. he knows bin isn't using the bathroom. she's going in there because it's the only place where she knows she won't be burdened by nosy family members. he stays silent as she leaves, though.

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a/n : if any of you have tumblr, u should totally comment ur users so i can follow u 😋😋
i used to be obsessed w tumblr like three years ago, and just recently decided to get back into it and i think im obsessed again #oopsies

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