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[ irl ]

"momma?" matt said, sitting down on the cushion beside his mother on the couch. his voice was small but he was determined to get his answer. "do you remember when we talked about my feelings for binny?"

mary lou's attention was now fully on her son. at first she was partially paying attention to him, assuming the twelve-year-old boy was barging in here to spew his regular nonsense. but as soon as he mentioned bin, mary lou couldn't help her piqued interest. "of course i do, matt. how could i forget about your first crush?"

matt sucked in a deep breath before continuing. "well, now i know that i like her. like, for sure. no doubt about it. one hundred percent." he said. "how am i supposed to ask her out to be my girlfriend if i get nervous just thinking about her!?"

"calm down, matt." mary lou told him, draping an arm over his shoulders to hold him. "when we talked about your crush on robin, i told you that you'll know when the time is right. i told you that you'll know what to do. you'll figure it out."

matt nodded, remembering the exact conversation despite how long ago it took place. "this is the right time. i know it."

mary lou was still a bit skeptical but she didn't say anything. she simply smiled at him and gave him advice regardless of her doubt. "you know her better than i do, matt. you know what things she likes and what topics interest her. nobody knows robin grey better than you, matthew. follow your gut and i'm sure everything will be perfect in the end. no matter how long it takes."

matt thought for a moment, trying to process her words. matt was positive that he knew bin better than anyone else. but what good does that do him if he still couldn't look in her general direction without feeling butterflies in his tummy?

"can i borrow your book?" matt asked bin one day at school. he knew his request would sound weird as soon as it left his mouth. but he wanted to do something nice and sweet for her. she deserved the best.

the night prior to this, matt stayed up past his bed time. he googled how to ask out a girl but everything that came up was stupid. bin didn't like stupid boys. she liked smart ones who had a way with words. so matt changed his google search to 'how to seem smart when you're actually dumb'. after that, the results became even stupider than before. they said to wear glasses and walk confidently. but bin was smart enough to see through matt's appearance. she liked boys for what's on the inside, not what the look like.

suddenly, matt remembered something important. all smart people read books. they all carry around thick books with their page marked past the middle near the back to show that they're actually reading it. so then, matt decided it would be a good idea for have his date proposal to have something to do with a book. and that's as far as he got with his planning before he gave up and went to sleep. he had no idea what to do after he got bin's book, but he definitely wanted to do something to show that he's smart and in love.

𝑾𝑰𝑺𝑻𝑭𝑼𝑳 - 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 { ✓ }Where stories live. Discover now