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[ messages , irl ]

binny 🐰— bin
matty patty 🥞 — matt

matty patty 🥞
have willow and kai been bugging u too

binny 🐰
bugging is an understatement

matty patty 🥞
yeah chris and nick have been "bugging" too

binny 🐰
did u tell them

matty patty 🥞
ofc not
it was mainly ur business and it's not my place to share

binny 🐰
wait that's literally why i didn't tell willow or kai

matty patty 🥞
bc it's ur business ???

binny 🐰
no bc its urs

matty patty 🥞
great minds think alike ig

binny 🐰
do u think we should tell them?
i mean we didn't REALLYYYY do much
just confessed and agreed to be friends

matty patty 🥞
omg no
if chris finds out i confessed i'll never hear the end of it

binny 🐰
sounds like smth he would do

matty patty 🥞
nick said he would get it out of u since i won't tell him

binny 🐰
i love nick so so so much
but there's no way

matty patty 🥞
that's what i said 🥱🥱

binny 🐰
we can tell everyone when we're ready
bc rn there's nothing going on anyway

matty patty 🥞
i like seeing everyone freak out ab something that's not even as dramatic as they think it is

binny 🐰
like guys we're js friends

matty patty 🥞
for now !

binny 🐰
fuck i gtg
willow is yelling at me

matty patty 🥞
oh alr
have funnn

───── ─────

"who are you texting?"

bin quickly turns her phone over and looks up at the mirror in front of her. she sees willow standing behind her in the reflection. they're currently getting ready for a concert and willow is styling bin's hair.

the entire time willow has been getting her ready, bin's been texting someone. not only that, but bin is also hiding her phone whenever willow asks about it.

"sorry for being secretive," bin says, genuinely. "it's just that the conversation is kinda personal."

bin has been trying to work on herself more. she didn't reject matt just for fun — she truly wants to become a better person. and one of her main flaws is the lack of apologies she gives.

"you have nothing to feel bad for, bin." willow replies, leaning forward and resting her chin on the top of bin's head. "i'm just being nosy."

"i'm texting matt, by the way." bin says.

she decides that it doesn't matter if willow knows who she's texting as long as she doesn't give away all of their personal business.

willow's eyebrows nearly fly off her head. she had a feeling bin was texting matt, but she wasn't expecting to get a real answer. she thought bin would just change the topic and keep their conversation a secret.

"so you guys are getting along more," willow says. she stand straight up and continues to style bin's hair as she keeps talking, "i thought you just said that to make kai quit asking so many questions."

"that was also half of the reason," bin replies, "but yeah, we're trying to get closer and build a more healthy and stable relationship."

willow smiles, "i'm sure you're happy about that."

"what's that supposed to mean?" bin asks, feigning offense.

"nothing, nothing." willow brushes. "ever since i met you, there was always this guy you knew from your childhood who was a sore subject to bring up. then, like a year after meeting you, you told me everything. and i could tell you were still in love with him."

"woah, woah, woah!" bin stops her. "i'm not in love with him."

willow pauses everything she's doing and looks up at bin through the mirror. "are you fucking serious?"

"its one thing to love someone," bin states as though her explanation is valid, "its a whole separate thing to be in love with someone."

willow just sighs, returning her attention to styling bin's hair so she doesn't go insane and rip it all out. one day she's realize how stupid she sounds. willow tells herself, hoping she's right.

"well, we only have one more show left for this tour." willow says. "after that, you guys can see each other way more and talk though everything."

"he still lives in boston, though." bin points out. "and we live in new york. it's a four hour drive."

"you'll make it work." willow tells her. "you guys always do."

───── ─────
a/n : i'm so so so behind on writing but it's okay bc i'm planning to take my time w my next book ☺️☺️

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