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[ irl ]

bin, kai, and willow are currently stopped at mcdonald's for breakfast. tomorrow is the last concert of tour and they're all feeling a bit sentimental about the whole thing. they're excited to go home and rest, yes, but it's still pretty sad to imagine saying goodbye to such a magical experience like this one.

kai and willow feel especially grateful to have been involved in tour with bin.

of course bin feels grateful. she'll never get over the thought of so many people being touched by her music. but she's worked for this for years. she can feel the closure of knowing everything is coming together.

willow never went to school for being a stylist. she always loved doing her own shit and it brought her comfort when life became too much. but she never expected to travel the country due to her love for it.

not to mention kai. he was completely whisked away and put on the tour bus without much of an explanation. willow asked him to come with her and he immediately agreed. he practically ran at the opportunity to spend time with his fiancé.

"i need to piss." kai says.

the trio has been sitting in silence throughout their entire breakfast. not an awkward silence, though. it's been a comfortable one where they feel like they're getting closer together because of their lack of speaking. they're all lost in thought and zoned out until kai speaks up about his bladder necessities.

he stands up from the table and heads toward the mens' restroom. when the door closes behind him, willow glances over at bin. bin doesn't notice though — she's still staring at the tabletop with her mind in the clouds. also, it's like 6am and she's definitely not a morning person.

"bin," willow calls out to get her friend's attention.

she looks up at the sound. "huh?"

"how was dinner with your dad last night?" willow asks. "you got back to the bus at like midnight, so i never got the chance to ask you about what happened."

"it was good." bin replies. "we talked about anything and everything. we basically just caught up on each other's lives. it felt really nice, actually."

"that's good." willow smiles. "did you guys talk about your mom?"

willow knows the topic of her mom's remarriage is something that's been bothering bin. she's been worried that her dad would be distraught if he were to find out about her mom moving on to some random new man.

"we did." bin says. "he asked what i did while i was in boston and i told him about her wedding. i didn't know how he would react, but i felt like he deserved to know."

"what'd he say?"

"he didn't seem to care about her at all." bin says. "he just wanted to know how i was doing and how i felt about the whole thing. i tried to tell him that it's okay for him to be upset, but he genuinely doesn't give a shit about her anymore. i think the only thing that ties them together is me."

"well that's a good thing right?" willow asks. "i mean, at least he wasn't upset or anything."

see, bin knows she should feel happy about this. she's lucky her father wasn't resentful or angry about her mom's new husband. but the thought of bin being the thing that hold her parents together doesn't sit right with her.

when she was a kid, she always felt like their lives would be better without her there to instigate their arguments or cause financial issues. after they divorced, that thought left her head because they weren't together anymore. they were separate people living separate lives.

but now that she knows that neither of them care about the other, bin feels like maybe she is the only one who cares about the past. she's the only one being held back by memories rather than moving on like her parents.

"yeah." bin agrees. "yeah it's a good thing."

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a/n : hi guys this chapter is so short i'm sorry 😕

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