Chapter Seventeen

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"No, my son wouldn't get a girl pregnant." My mom says shaking her head at me as she set the laundry down and crosses her arms over her chest. "My son would know better than to throw his life away."

I stare at her as my mom gives me the look of disappointment before averting her gaze back to Cassidy who was still looking at us with her mouth wide open.

"Cassidy shut your mouth. You look unattractive." My mom snaps causing Cassidy to shut her mouth.

My mom then turns her attention back to me and raises her perfectly plucked eyebrow. "So? Did you get this girl pregnant or not?"

I nod my head and my mom rolls her eyes. "I want you to say it, Tyson. Did you get this girl pregnant?"

"Yes, mom. How many times do you want me to say it? I got a girl pregnant!" I yelled throwing my hands in the air as she just glared at me.

"Who." She states as I raise an eyebrow. "Who did you get pregnant?"

"Aaliyah Fox."

My mom sucks in a breath and closes her eyes while pinching her nose. Her body rises and falls out of anger and I take a look over at Cassidy, who was watching my mom with a raised eyebrow.

"You're telling me, that you slept with a girl who is a disgrace to this town and got her pregnant?" My mom says opening her eyes still glaring at me.

I wanted to say that Aaliyah wasn't a disgrace to this town, that everyone just treated her poorly for no reason but I couldn't. It was like God was punishing me for what I have done and glued my mouth shut.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now Stacy"
Cassidy speaks for the first time since the bomb was dropped.

My mom looks away from me and stares at Cassidy in shock, her brown eyes staring widely at the girl she helped raise.

"Excuse me?"

"You fucking heard me." Cassidy snaps. "Aaliyah isn't fucking trash like everyone in this town thinks."

"How would you know Cassidy? You haven't lived here for more than two days." My mom fires back as she takes a step towards her.

"I don't have to in order to know! Stacy that girl
is nothing but sweet and you guys would know if you guys didn't treat her like shit!" Cassidy exclaims pointing her finger at my mom.

"Yeah she got pregnant just like how her mom did at a young age, but at least she isn't sleeping around with every guy she meets, or hasn't killed the baby as most teenagers would do!"

"You don't know anything about that girl Cassidy. She could have killed that baby by now or possibly even liked to Tyson about being pregnant." My mom says shaking her head.

"Aaliyah isn't like that. You may think she is some devils child, but she isn't Stacy."

"You can't take some low trash over your family." My mom says smirking as she crosses her arms over her chest.

"Yeah well once that baby is born they will be apart of this family. So technically I'm not." Cassidy retorts as my mom shakes her head.

"That child will not be apart of my family. No way in hell will I ever let that happen."

"Oh my god! Stacy get your fucking head out of
your ass before your brain turns into shit!" Cassidy says making my mom glare at the girl even harder.

I probably should step in and tell my mom to back off and let me explain but I'm frozen in place and watching them both fight over something I should be fighting for.

"Tyson is at least taking ownership for his action and you need to give him fucking support!"

"Do not tell me how to raise my son Cassidy. You have no right."

Cassidy rolls her eyes at my mom. "Get over yourself Stacy. You're nothing but a bitch and you know it."

I stare wide-eyed at Cassidy as she grabs her book bag that she threw on the floor when she first entered and walks over to the door.

My mom doesn't fight back as she just stays in
place and watches Cassidy walk towards the door in anger.

Before Cassidy even leaves, she turns around and gives me a small smile. "I'm here for you one hundred percent of the way."

I return the smile and watch as the door clicks behind her before turning my mom who has her eyes closed trying to control her anger.

"Mom I-"

"Save it." She snaps holding her hand out. "I don't know what to think of you right now Tyson." She says before walking out the door and slamming it shut behind her.

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