Chapter Twenty-seven

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"What?" I asked staring at him wide-eyed as he shrugs his shoulders as he takes a step towards me and takes my hands into his.

"Marry me." He says again as I shake my head as the tears start to well up in my eyes.

Please tell me this is some sort of joke.

Tyson can't actually be asking me to marry him. He's bullied me since first grade. He's the one who broke my first bone because he pushed me off the swing.

This boy can't possibly be asking me to marry him.

This is just some sick joke. I'm being punked.

Any second now Ashton Kutcher will pop out of the bushes and tell me that I was being pranked.

Yeah, that's what's happening.

"Where's Ashton?" I ask looking around as Tyson's raises his eyebrow at me.

"Ashton? Who the hell is Ashton?"

I roll my eyes and pull my hands away from his and cross them over my chest. "Don't act dumb. I'm being punked and Ashton is going to come jumping out of the bushes."

Tyson looks at me for a minute before bursting
out into laughter.

See I told you.

This was all a prank.

"My god, you think I'm pranking you?" Tyson says shutting up and tilting his head to the side as I slowly nod my head. "Why would you think that?"

"Oh, I don't know," I mutter uncrossing my arms. "You're my bully. You can't propose and think that I don't think I'm being pranked can you?"

Tyson bites his lip and looks down at his white vans. "Yeah, I guess. Just forget that I even asked." He mutters shoving his hands in his pockets as he shakes his head and walks away.

I watch as he gets in his car, his shoulders slumped down in pain. It hurt me to watch him walk away like that, but he needs to understand that he can't come here and propose to me like everything will be okay.

That's not how the world works.

You can't come apologizing after everything has already started. It's like working at a restaurant. You wouldn't come asking for the food back after handing it out would you? No.

So why now?

Why try and make everything seem perfect now? After everything that he's done to me for these past years, why does he choose now? Just because we are having a baby together doesn't mean that we have to be together.

There are so many people who can manage just being friends and I'm fine with that.

I don't need to be married to Tyson to raise our baby.

We can be friends and raise him or her. I was raised perfectly fine without a father in my life.

As much as I wished Tyson and I could be together, we're just not compatible. We're not Meredith Grey and Derek Shepherd. We're Meredith Grey and the vet. We won't work out.


"He did what?" Cassidy shouts making me
jump in my seat and cover her mouth with my hand as I shushed her to be quiet.

"Keep your voice down." I hiss as I slowly take my hand away and take my seat again.

"I can't believe Tyson proposed!" Cassidy whisper yells as she covers her face with her hands. "I swear this boy can't do romance at all."

I roll my eyes and start playing with my straw.

It's been an hour since Tyson popped the question and right after I raced over to the cafe to talk to Cassidy.

"I know, I was shocked when he asked me. Especially after everything he's done to me."

Cassidy shakes her head as she takes a sip out of her ice tea. "What did you tell him?"

"I sort of told him no?" I say not really knowing what exactly I told him. I mean it was some sort of no right?

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I asked him where Ashton Kutcher was and gave him my reasons why I would think he was pranking me. But I didn't necessarily say no." I say as she rolls her eyes.

"Only you would think of Ashton Kutcher during a proposal."

"Hey! I was being proposed by my bully, what did you expect me to think?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Cassidy sighs as she puts her head in her hands. "Do you want me to talk to him for you? I can ask what the fuck he was thinking.""

"No, I think it's better if we just keep it on the down low. But if he mentions it to you be my guest." I said shrugging my shoulders.

Cassidy sighs and looks out the window, her black hair falling over her face covering her eyes away.

I knew what she was thinking.

She was in shock that was for sure, but her head was thinking why her cousin was so stupid. I've been questioning that all day.

"Look, as much as I love Tyson, he can speak without thinking and maybe he does want to marry you," She whispers the last part. "But I think if he wants to be with you, he should at least ask you out first. It's the proper way."

I sigh nodding my head. "Yeah, but we're not compatible. We won't work out."

"How do you know?" She asks tilting her head to the side. "You only know the side that bullied you. You don't know him as I do."

"Exactly. He showed his true colors when he first started to bully me." I say as she gives me a sad smile and places her hand over mine and gives it a good squeeze.

"Go to dinner with him. That's all I ask of you." She says before standing up from her seat and giving me a hug.

"What? He didn't ask me to dinner Cass. He asked me to marry him." I say shaking my head baffled.

Cassidy rolls her eyes. "I'm such a dumbass." She says making me smile. "He asked me to meet him at Olive Garden tonight at seven. Take my place."

But I-"

"No but's. Text me after. Love Ya." She says pulling me into another hug before walking out of the dinner leaving me with one thought.

Should I go to dinner with Tyson?

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