Chapter Thirty-six

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"What did you want to speak to me about?" I asked crossing my ankles together and giving Stacy a small smile, even if she didn't deserve one.

"I wanted to come over and make a compromise." She states taking a drink out of her wine glass and licking her ruby red lips.

"A compromise? What on?"

Stacy places her glass down onto the floor and
crossing one leg over the other. She folded her hands and placed them on her knee before turning her body.

"I will throw you a baby shower, let you get all the necessities that you need, as long as you leave my son alone."

"Excuse me?" I ask raising my eyebrow at her as she nods her head giving me a tight smile.

"Tyson needs to get his life back into order. He had his future set out before him but you had to come along and spread your legs for him like the whore you are."

I gave her a blank stare, the tears welling up into my eyes from her harsh words and shook my head.
"The way I got pregnant wasn't because I allowed it. He raped me, Stacy. Your son raped me, yet I was too nice of a person that press charges on your precious son." I spat out as Stacy barks out a laugh throwing her head back.

"Wow, how petty making up a story like that. Tyson wouldn't fuck you if he wanted to. You forced yourself onto him."

I roll my eyes and wipe away my tears in anger. "I'm not one to do that Stacy. I forgave Tyson because he gave me a miracle and he's someone that I've grown to like."

"Honey, you don't know my son. He's something that you'll never be able to have. He may say he wants you now, but once your dear sister over there comes running back," she says pointing of towards Hannah who was laughing over something Hank said. "He'll leave you and your precious baby."

How dare she!

What have I done to Stacy to make her hate me so much?

I've never done anything in my life to have her
hate me, yet she claims I've done something. Yes, I got pregnant by her son when he was only eighteen, but he directed and forced himself on me.

She is lucky that I didn't press any sort of charges because she could be visiting her son through prison bars, instead of having at home safely.

As much as I have grown to love and respect Tyson over the past couple of months, his mom is something that I can and I don't think I could ever have any respect for.

Her horrible attitude is something that ruined any possibility of relationship that she could ever have with my son. She showed her true colors, and Tyson needs to respect that I do not want her near my son.
I stand up from the swing and give Stacy a tight look and gave her the best fake smile that I could muster.

"I'm thankful for your compromise Stacy, but I'm afraid I'd have to decline."

slacy s oneny eyes widen as she shakes her head and stands up so that she was towering over me in her heels. "You'll regret this Aaliyah. I can take that baby away from you with the snap of my fingers."

I bark out a laugh and gave her a dead look. "I'd like to see you try."

Stacy opens her mouth to speak but I hold my hand up to silence her and shook my head.

"Stacy if you ever come near me, or my baby, there will be bloodshed."

With that, I gave her a tight smile and gave her a wave before walking back to Tyson who was giving me a concerned look.

"Are you okay? What did she tell you?"

"I declined her offer for the baby shower."

"Oh? But why? Not that I'm judging because I didn't want her to throw it anyway."

"Your mom's a bitch."

Tyson laughs and nods his head. "I couldn't say it any better love." He says kissing my cheek making me smile.

Just then, I saw Cassidy walk in, her eyes roaming around the backyard before falling on Tyson and I. I smiled and stood up and quickly walked over to her.
"Hey, come with me real fast," I say grabbing her arm leaving her no room to argue.

"Um okay?"

I dragged her over to where Hannah stood grabbing another soda from one of the many coolers and dropped her hand. Cassidy gave me a wide-eyed stare and leaned over so that she was whispering in my ear.

"Why are we near the She-devil? I know she is your sister but why?" She lowly hissed.

I rolled my eyes and cleared my throat causing Hannah to turn around and smile over at me.

"Aaliyah, are you thirsty? What can I get for you?"
"I'm okay, thanks though. I actually have something to ask you, both of you."

"Oh?" She says giving Cassidy a questioning look who had a frown on her face.

"I want you two to throw me a baby shower," I say causing Cassidy's frown to turn upside down and nod her head up and down excitedly.

"Are you serious!" She says jumping up and down as Hannah looks at the floor in thought as I nod my head.

"Yeah, I want you guys to go through this you both will be aunts," I said shrugging my shoulders.

Yes, I know that Cassidy is Tyson's cousin, but she is more of my sister than my best friend.

"Are you sure? I mean I was so rude to you and me-"

"Think of this as a task to earn my forgiveness," I say smiling rubbing my stomach. "It would actually help us bond. All of us."

Hannah bites her lip unsure on what to say. Cassidy nudges her shoulder and gives her a genuine smile.

"Come on, it would be fun and this is your nephew!" Cassidy gushes making Hannah laugh and finally nod her head.

"Okay, but we're having it here." She says making me smile.

I leave Cassidy and Hannah to discuss my baby shower and walk back towards Tyson who was talking to Hank. When I sat down, I kissed Tyson's cheek and took his hand and rested my head on his shoulders.

I listened to him laugh at something that Hank
said as my eyes began to close and taking me
into a much need slumber.

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