Chapter Twenty-six

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I was about to head out to the cafe to meet up
with Cassidy when a knock on the door stopped me from grabbing my car keys. I was puzzled, I looked over at the kitchen where my grandma was humming a tune as she prepared dinner. She didn't react to the knock, so I figured she was expecting anyone.

I was going to ignore it but the sound came again making me sigh and walk over to the door and check in the peep.

I gasp when I see the person there, taking a step back and look over at my grandma who was now staring at me in confusion.

"Well, aren't you going to get the door?" She asks tilting her head to the side as she continues to stir the mixer in the bowel that was in her hand.

I nodded my head as I opened the door and gave a fake smile as the person smiled back at me.

"Before you ask, your mom gave me this address." He says holding his hands up in surrender as I roll my eyes.

"What do you want Tyson? You made it pretty clear that you didn't want anything to do with the baby." I say crossing my arms over my chest as Tyson lets out a sigh and looks down at the floor.

"I need to explain myself, Aaliyah."

"I think you explained yourself plenty of times Tyson," I say grabbing my keys. "I need to meet up with Cassidy."

I make my way past him, shutting the door in the process and start walking to my car but his hand grabs my arm which stops me from doing so.

"Five minutes. That's all I'm asking."

I look down at his hand that was holding my elbow before closing my eyes and nodding my head. I hear Tyson release a sigh of relief as he lets go of my elbow and takes a step towards me.

"There's a park just down the street." He says motioning his head.

I don't say anything as he takes my hand and leads me to the park so we could talk.

I ignore the strange feeling in my stomach as he smiles at me one time before we reach the empty park.

Tyson leads me to the picnic tables and takes a seat. I stand for a minute, waiting for his next move that never comes before sitting down as well.

I look around the park, trying to see if anything looks out of place.

You never know, this could be some kind of joke that Tyson is playing.

"Aaliyah, I know what I said was wrong but you need to know I never actually meant it." He says placing his hand over mine making me look at him.

"Then why say it?" I asked pulling my hand away and keeping them in my lap. Away from him.

Tyson sighs and runs his hands through his hair. "My mom made me say it. She told me she would disown me if I didn't."

I roll my eyes and look at him with a bored look.

"You expect me to believe that? Tyson, it was you who was angry, it was you who has treated me so badly. You can't blame your mom for your actions. You can't blame anyone except for you."

"I know, I know that I can't blame anyone but you got to believe me on this." Tyson pleads as he puts his head in his hands. "I swear she did I got proof." He says lifting his head.

I raise an eyebrow at him as he takes his phone out of his pocket and shows me the messages between him and his mom.

"Look, I swear it was all her."

I stare down at the messages, my eyes wide in shock as I take it what Stacy was telling her son to do. All the cruel things she was telling him made my heart hurt.

How can a mother tell her own son that if he didn't do this one thing, he was no son of hers?

I don't say anything to Tyson as I hand him back his phone. I wait for Tyson to put his phone back before he speaks again.

"You don't have to believe me, but I do want this baby. I want this baby so bad." Tyson says shaking his head.
The wind picks up, making me shudder from the cold. Tyson noticed and takes off his jacket and hands it to me with a small 'here.

I take it, the heat instantly warming me up. The scent of his cologne was strong but strong to make me want to take it off. In fact, it made me want to keep it on. It smelt that good.

Tyson was looking at me with a smile, and I blush before clearing my throat and sitting up straighter.

"Okay, it will take me time to trust you and believe that you actually want this," I say as he nods his head with that smile still on his face.

"I won't let you down I promise."

I nod my head. "I'm just asking you, for one thing, Tyson. If you do this one thing then I'll really believe you."

"I'll do anything Aaliyah, please let me prove this."

"I find out the gender and I would really like it if you'd come," I say as his eyes widen.

"You're already finding out the gender."

I nod my head with a smile as I place my hand over my stomach that slightly grew. "Yep. I'm hoping it's a baby girl."

Tyson smiles and nods his head. "I'll be there. In fact, ' even pick you up."

I look up from my stomach and shake my head.

"Oh, you don't need to do that Tyson. It's okay if you just want to meet up especially since not everyone knows."

Tyson shrugs it off. "Honestly I don't care
Aaliyah. Let everyone know for all I care. My happiness is where our baby lies."

I smile at that and look down at my phone. Our five minutes past so fast. I look up at Tyson who knew and gave me a smile and a nod.

"I'll walk you back."

I thank him as we walk back in silence. The only
sound was the wind blowing through the summer leaves.

In less than two weeks we were to graduate and we'd be finding out the gender.

These four months have gone by so fast that once the nine months slowly creeps up, I don't know what I'm going to do.

I don't even know if Tyson is going to be here for that long. He can walk out anytime.

We finally reach my grandparents, the silence was nice. It was somewhat nice talking to Tyson.

"I'll text you the time and date," I say walking over to my car.

"Alright, I want to make it up Aaliyah. I really do." I smile as I give him his jacket back and he shakes his head. "Keep it."

I nod my head and open the door. "Bye Tyson."

"Marry me."

Pregnant By My Bully [FULL REUPLOAD]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora