Chapter Thirty-one

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"Hold up missy" Cassidy says grabbing my hand, stopping me from walking over to my car. I sigh and turn around raising an eyebrow at her. "Yes, Cass?" I asked causing her to glare at me.

It was just after the appointment that we found out we were having a baby boy and I couldn't be happier, well at least Tyson and I were. I don't know why Cassidy is mad, maybe she wanted to have a girl? No, she said a boy.

"Why didn't you show up to dinner?" Cassidy whispers and looks over at Tyson who was waiting for her over at his car.

Ohhh, that's why she was mad.. oh well.

I shrug my shoulders and look down at the ground. "I went to visit my dad, I wanted to ask him why he didn't try to be in my life."

"Did he tell you why?" She asks to which I nod
my head at.

"Look, I'll explain later, come over to mine? We can talk there, I'm just craving Krispy Kreme donuts right now."

Cassidy rolls her eyes but nods her head.

"Alright, but first explain to me why you grabbed his hand!" She whispers yells making me roll my eyes.

"I'll tell you later, right now Tyson Jr. wants donuts."
Cassidy groans and turns to Tyson. "I'm leaving with Aaliyah! Don't wait up!"

I roll my eyes with a laugh before waving a goodbye towards Tyson before walking over to my car. When I get in, I crank the heat up and wait for Cassidy to stop yelling at Tyson before she got in my car.

"So? Why did you hold my dear cousin's hand?"

"I thought it would be reassuring if he had someone there for him. It's a big step in his life." I say with a shrug as I pull out of the parking lot.

Cassidy gives me a look that says she doesn't believe me and shakes her head as she looks out the window. "I'm still rooting for you guys. I want you two together."

I scoff and shake my head. Me and Tyson? No
way in hell. The only good thing coming out of us is the baby boy we're having together. Nothing else.

"Cassidy, we've been over this. Tyson and I aren't going to happen." I say giving her a pointed look and her response was her rolling her eyes.

"Why? Yes, I understand all the bullshit he put you through, but are you really going to let Hannah open up instead and forget about Tyson?"

I parked my car in the parking lot of Krispy Kreme and look over at Cassidy who was waiting for my response.

"Cassidy, Hannah is family. She's my sister."

"And Tyson isn't? He's the father of your son Aaliyah. He's family whether or not you like it or not."

I sighed shaking my head. I knew she was right. But if Tyson didn't get me pregnant I wouldn't be in this mess.

But then again, if Tyson didn't get me pregnant, not only would I not be having this little baby boy that I'm excited for, but I wouldn't have found out my mom was lying to me for practically my whole life.

"You see, It you can give one bully a chance to open up, it doesn't mean you can't let the other," Cassidy whispers as she places her hands on mine.

I look up, wiping the tears that fell down my face and smile while nodding my head.

"Fine, I'll meet up with Tyson. But it's not a date. It's for him to clear his name and possibly for us to discuss baby names."

Cassidy squeals out in joy as she starts bouncing in her seat. "Oh my gosh, this is making my day twice as better. The first obviously finding out you're having a boy."

I roll my eyes at her before getting out of the car. When we enter the shop, I couldn't help but take in a deep breath of the beautiful smell of freshly made donuts.

I ordered me a couple donuts and made my way to the little chairs that they in the small bakery and take a seat while waiting for Cassidy to get her order.

When a Cassidy comes back, she takes a giant bite out of her donut and looks back at me with a sly grin.

"Have you got any names in mind?" She asks wiping the glaze off the corner of her mouth.

"I really like the name Boston for a boy. I was kind of thinking Boston Michael Bradford."

Cassidy nodded her head. "That is cute. I know
Tyson always liked the name, Kyle. He would always have that name when l forced him to play house with me."

Haugh at the little image that popped in my mind of little Tyson and little Cassidy running around playing house.

"What would your name be?" I asked as
Cassidy sighs and shakes her head.

"Promise not to laugh? I hate the name now I honestly don't know what I was thinking."

"I promise." I laugh as she takes a deep breath.

"I was always Jessica." She says closing her eyes as she shudders.

I bark out in laughter as I take in her expression. Jessica? How is that such a bad name? If I was having a girl, Jessica was one of my options.

"I like that name," I say with a laugh as she glares at me and shakes her head.

"What about you? Didn't you ever play house."
I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders.

"Nope. I didn't have friends. I was friends with Hannah for a while until she turned against me." I say as Cassidy nods her head pursing her lips.

"How was that by the way? Did you have dinner with them like you were going to?"

I shook my head as I took a bite out of the donut. "Nope, Susie got sick so we had to reschedule until she got better."

Cassidy nods her head. "Yeah, I think my mom said she wanted you over for dinner one time."

I smile at the thought of Cassidy's mom. Her mom was so sweet when I first met her and she wasn't like Tyson's mom who she most happened to be the sister of. She was sweet and nice rather than rude and cruel.

"I'd like that. Just plan it with your mom and I'll come over."

Cassidy smiles and we start finishing our donuts talking about whether the people who believe the Earth is flat should be in an asylum or not.

I say no, but Cassidy says yes.

Either way, I think Cassidy belongs in one because just the thought of Tyson and I ever being together is crazy.


Pregnant By My Bully [FULL REUPLOAD]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora