Chapter Thirty-eight

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~ One Month and three weeks later~

I nervously ran my hands up and down my stomach, little flutters of kicks follow where my hand lands. I smile as I could tell that he was trying to calm my nerves.

I had just turned 32 weeks in my pregnancy meaning I was eight months into my pregnancy. I had gone to the doctors yesterday with Tyson and we found out from Dr. Holland that I could go into labor at any given moment now due to how far along and how close I am to my due date.

I think I was honestly more nervous than Tyson was. He's been having the same smile plastered on his face and kneeling down to my stomach and telling Boston he's so excited to see him soon.

Like don't get me wrong, I am too. It's just I'm afraid that I won't be able to be the best mother that Boston could have and that I'll screw up eventually and his life would be ruined, which when I told Tyson that feeling, he just told me that I had to brush it off because that would be impossible because Boston would know my true intentions and would still love me no matter what.

Just like how my mom had her intentions, which to some I do not agree with, but I still love her for sacrifices that she chose to make to give me a good life, even if I didn't have the best clothes or house, she was always there at the end giving me her undying love and affection.

That's one great thing about my mom that I wouldn't change, yes I was mad at her before but now I'm not. I see where she is coming from.

It's just sad that my mom never reached out to me after I moved in with my grandparents. No matter how hard I'd go over to the diner to see her she wouldn't be there, when I went over to the trailer park she would always be gone when I'd call it'd go straight to voicemail. I guess that's what I get for holding out on a grudge with her.

"Hey baby, you ready?" Tyson asks placing his hand on my stomach through my grey sweater and kissing the back of my head as he lays his chin on my shoulder.
I smiled nodding my head. Today was my baby shower that Hannah and Cassidy were throwing me. Every time I'd ask the girls how it was going and if they needed help getting or setting up decorations, they'd always keep their lips locked and wouldn't share any detail, which was surprising because Cassidy couldn't keep a secret even if you bribed her with food.

"Yeah, are you sure it's not weird that we're having it at Cassidy's? Your mom won't show up or anything?" I ask turning around from the mirror and wrapping my arms around Tyson's neck as he pushes me against him as much as he could without hurting Boston.

"I'm positive. Cassidy, or Hannah, nor I gave her an invitation. Hell, my aunt hasn't even mentioned the baby shower towards her." He says placing a light kiss on my forehead.

"I just feel bad, she's your mother and even if she doesn't suppress us, she should at least be there for you," I whisper as Tyson gives me a smile as he places his finger on my chin.

"Hey, look up at me love." I look up from the ground and up to his dazzling brown eyes. He gives me a smile and plants a kiss on my lips before shaking his head. "As long as I have you by my side at the end of the day with our baby safely in either your stomach or our arms, I wouldn't give two damns about my mother."

I smile and shake my head with a big grin on my face. "Really? I just don't want your family to think that I'm taking you away from that."

"Believe me they're not. With how much Sofia and I talk about you, no cruel things my mother says changes their mind about how perfect you are for me."
I sigh and pull away and look back at the mirror and glance down at our hands that were still entwined. "What about your father? Where is he?"

I see Tyson tense up at the mention of his father, but he just shrugs his shoulders and shoves his hands into his front pockets trying to cover the hurt in his eyes with blankness.

"He's been MIA for almost a year, we still talk to him and he knows about you, and he can't wait to meet his grand-baby and you, it's just he's trying to settle the divorce with my mother first."

"I didn't know your parents were getting a divorce," I whisper waddling over to my bed and sit down as a little sharp pain coursed through my back but disappeared not a second later as it came.

"I don't care for him leaving my mother. She's not someone I'd want to be married to."

I look up from my stomach and towards him as much as I could and reach my hand out for him from the little space I had. I grab his hand and give it a squeeze and a tug so that he was now laying on his back like I was and we both looked to each other's eyes.

"Will he at least be here after the baby is born?" I whisper laying my head centimeters away from his face, my eyes locking on his.

"He wants to, the divorce should be finalized. Plus, I told him there was no chance of mom coming to the hospital so he said he had a plane ticket waiting for my call." He says with a light chuckle.

I smile and kiss his nose. I love the smile that always crawls on his face whenever he talks about his father or his little sister. Hell, even Cassidy would get it and that girl could get on
his nerves.

It shows that Tyson has more to him that he lets people see like he was covering something this special and big in his life from all the people who could hurt him.

It shows he has more to his side than the bully I used to receive, and it may seem like I'm moving and forgetting too fast about the fact that he raped me, but in the end, as much as I didn't show it then and that I didn't realize, I was starting to like it and after it was done, my body was aching for more.

Maybe that's why I didn't report him because like people say, it isn't rape if you like it? Nah, I didn't give him consent so I know that doesn't apply. But for me, and my personal feeling, I am happy that he did what he did because not only would I have him at the end, we have a baby that could arrive any given moment and I think that's just perfect.

"Come on, we should probably go before Cassidy has my dick for the main meal." He laughs kissing my nose not once, not twice, but five times before sitting up and helping me up.

When we are fully standing, I give him a hug and a long sweet kiss before grabbing his hand.

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