Chapter Twenty-two

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The rest of the day I didn't speak to my mom.
The only time I did, was when I asked her when I was supposed to leave, which was today.

You're probably thinking, why don't you stay with your mom? Well, I honestly don't know. I mean she is my mom and I should be living with her, but at the same time, she lied to me about her family not wanting to accept me.

I don't even know if what she said about my dad is even true. All my life I thought my grandparents didn't want me and that my dad walked out on me, but in reality my grandparents wanted me and if there is hope for my grandparents, doesn't that mean there is a possibility that my dad wants me?

"Aaliyah, I know you're mad at me and you have every right to be, but can we please talk about this?"

"I have nothing to say to you," I say not even looking at her as I place my belongings in the small pink duffel bag.

I hear my mom sigh from behind me. It hurts me knowing that I'm the reason why she is sad, but she hurt me more.

"Well, your grandparents will be here in an hour."
I nod my head as my mom closes the sliding door. I close my eyes, taking a deep breath before opening my eyes back and stare around the small room trying to see if I'm forgetting everything.

I was nervous.

I mean I was about to go live with a bunch of strangers that I knew nothing of and was going to act like everything is perfectly okay when it wasn't.

I wasn't good with getting along with others, mostly because I was always quiet and everyone made fun of me because of it. I just had this feeling that couldn't help but to feel like they wouldn't accept me after meeting me. That they'd even be embarrassed to be around me because I was pregnant.

I hear a car door shut, followed by another. The butterflies in my stomach began to flutter as I hear my mom welcome in my grandparents. I look over at myself in the mirror one last time before grabbing the duffel bag and walking out of the tiny room.

When I walk out, an old lady, no older than about fifty smiles over at me and wraps her arms around me pulling me into a hug.

"Lana, she has your eyes." the lady gushes, as she pulls away and places her warm hands on my cheeks as she smiles down at me.

I awkwardly smile back and take a peek over at my mother who was watching us with a sad smile.

"Fiona let the poor girl go. You're probably scaring her." The old lady said shaking his head at his wife as the lady rolls her eyes but lets me go anyway.

"Frank she is my grandchild, I think I know when she is feeling overwhelmed."

I chuckle as they bicker back and forth, while my mom rolls her eyes at them. I watch as my grandma lightly smacks my grandpa's shoulder in a playing matter before turning back to me with a smile.

"Aaliyah, I'm so sorry this must be all a little too much for you," she says shaking her head. "I should have probably introduced myself to you before hugging you."

"You're fine," I say with a laugh. "I sort of already knew your names from what my used to tell me when I was younger."

My grandma's smile drops for a mere second before climbing back up as she nods her head.

"Yes, of course. Um... are you ready to go? Or do you want to stay a little longer with your mother?"

Hook over at my mom who is biting her lip awaiting my answer but I brush it off and turn to my grandma with a smile.

"Why don't we go now? We can catch up in the drive back."

My grandma smiles as my grandpa comes behind her and throw his arm around her shoulder and nod his head.

"Of course. Do you have a favorite place to eat or anywhere you've been craving? We don't want you to think we don't care about you or the baby." my grandpa says as he gives me a smile.

"Anywhere is fine with me. Though I am craving
Taco Bell."

My grandparents laugh and nod their head.

"Well, there is a Taco Bell on our way home. We can stop there okay?"

I nod my head an I turn to my mom. I watch as she hugs my grandparent's goodbye before turning to me.

I hesitate for a while, debating whether or not I should hug her goodbye as well. She lied to me, but here she is giving me up for the better of my sake.

So I do what I need to do.

I hug my mother before I follow my grandparents out to their car.

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