Chapter Thirty-three

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Did he even tell you where he was taking you?" Cassidy huffs as she curls my hair with my wand. I mutter a no, afraid to shake my head as she had a burning object next to my head and look down at my hands that were resting on my stomach.

I was five months today, and the baby is kicking like a soccer player. We haven't even agreed on a name, but we both like Boston so that may end up being it, but I want to be able to agree on a name together. But I still end up calling him Boston as it is.

"I could call him and ask what you should wear." She replies making me freeze.

"No, he said something casual so I'm going to wear something casual."

Cassidy huffs and shakes her head as she places the wand on the vanity and walks so that she is standing in front of me with her hands on her hips, she glares at me.

"Don't you want to look irresistible on this date? You're going on a date with Tyson." Cassidy says as I shrug my shoulders.

"I was just planning on wearing that dress I wore to graduation," I say rubbing my left side as Boston lays a kick.

"What if he's actually taking you somewhere fancy though." Cassidy whines as I roll my eyes.

"Cass, I think my dress will be fine. Now finish my hair it's almost eight." I say looking over at the alarm clock next to the crib that Tyson and I put up yesterday.

Shaking her head, Cassidy begins to re-curl my hair into those waves that I absolutely adore.

After twenty minutes passed and five minutes to spare, Cassidy was finished dolling me up and looked presentable for my date with Tyson.

"Damn, I swear if you weren't pregnant I swear Tyson would take you here and now when he sees you," Cassidy says eyeing me up and down causing me to blush.

Which I don't know why I blushed so don't ask me.

"Whatever let's go downstairs. I don't want to make an entrance."

Cassidy sighs but agrees and we walk downstairs and into the living room. Thankfully my grandparents aren't here or else I'd have to introduce Tyson to them, which I'm not embarrassed by Tyson or of my grandparents, but I want them to meet when I know how exactly I feel for Tyson.

A knock on the door echoes through the house and Cassidy squeals clapping her hands as she jumps up and down. "Go answer the door and I'll be waiting in your room waiting for you."

I laugh and bid my goodbye to her before walking over to the door and opening it. When I do, Tyson smiles warmly at me.

He looks really good tonight, wearing a dark blue button up and black jeans. His cologne smelt good, wasn't too strong to the point it wanted me to barf so that was a plus especially since any strong smell tends to make me vomit lately.

"You look beautiful like always." He grins making me blush.

"Thank you, you look really good."

"Thanks. Should we go?"

I nod my head and step out shutting the door behind me. I smile as Tyson takes me by the hand and we walk to where his car was parked.

"So are you going to tell me where you're taking me?" I giggle as he opens the door for me.

"Nope, it's a surprise." He winks before shutting the door and walking in the front. I wait for him to get in the car before putting my seatbelt on.

"Well, then you better make it a good one."

"Believe me, I will." He says before taking my hand in his and driving off.

I was beyond speechless. The sight before was breathtaking.

Fairy lights were hung along the trees, cascading a shining light as a table stood in the center with an elegant dinner out with the most amazing view of the ocean below.

The sky was a hint of pink and blue, giving out that cotton candy vibe. The sun was slowly lowering, the sunset giving a warm filling as I look over at Tyson who was blushing deeply.

"I hope it isn't too much, I wanted this to be perfect for us. For you."

I grin and stand up on my tiptoes, surprising us both as I lay a quick kiss on his cheek. "It's perfect."

Tyson smiles and takes my hand in his before dragging me over to the table. "I remember you telling me you were craving Chinese food so I got takeout, hope you don't mind that I didn't cook." He says pulling my chair out for me.

I shake my head smiling. "Chinese is great."

Tyson smiles and takes his seat across from me. He hands me a Chinese food box and chopsticks, which I gladly took. We begin talking about our favorite movies, songs and etc.

Just then, the sound of Super Trouper begins to play through a speaker on a tree and Tyson Just then, the sound of Super Trouper begins to play through a speaker on a tree and Tyson freezes causing me to laugh as Meryl Streep's voice echoes through.

"Didn't take you as a Mamma Mia fan." I giggle as he blushes and shakes his head grabbing his phone and skipping the song.

"I don't, Sofia does though."

I nod my head not believing him but let it go anyway. "So tell me how did you tell Hannah about the baby?"
Tyson grins as he goes into his story about how he took her to the local diner and told her. The whole time his face was happy and didn't show any remorse or sadness.

"I can't believe you actually told Hannah," I say laughing as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Honestly she didn't react like I thought she would." He says making me laugh.

"She poured her soup and drink on you," I say as he smiles.

"I would do it again for Boston."

My heart skips a beat as he calls our son by his name.

"So we're naming him Boston?"

Tyson smiles and nods his head. I squeal making him laugh as we continue on just randomly talking with the sun slowly setting.

"With the talk about Boston, I need to tell you something," Tyson says looking down at the table.

"Oh god, you don't have another baby on the way do you?"

Tyson shook his head and took a deep breath.

"My mom wants to through you a baby shower."

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