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I trail my hands down my body, a smile forming on my face as I look down at the white material hanging onto my body. My mother smiled at me through the mirror, her hands zipping up my dress.

"You look beautiful Aaliyah." She whispers wiping a tear away from her eye.

I smile at my mother and turn around pulling her into a hug. I close my eyes and take a deep breath trying to calm the excitement that was swimming around my stomach like a bunch of fish.

"Here comes the bride," My grandmother says holding Boston in her arms.

He reaches his hands out towards me which I
gladly take him and give a quick kiss on his head. He looked so cute in his tux, that I was so hard not to gush over his adorableness.

"You look wonderful Aaliyah. Tyson won't be able to keep his hands off you." My grandma teases making me blush a Scarlett red.

My mom rolls her eyes and takes a seat on the
couch that the church has and sighs. "You've grown up." She says sadly.

"Don't worry, I'll still be your little girl." I say as she nods her head wiping her tears.

"I know, but I barely get to see you know that you live in New York." She says shaking her head picking up her pink dress as she tries to smooth it down.

I give her a smile. I know how hard it was when I first moved out, and when I told her that Boston and I were moving with Tyson to New York, I knew she was devastated but she understood that I wanted to be with Tyson and that Tyson wanted to be with me and Boston.

"Mom, we'll move back once he's done with college." I say shaking my head as she just stiffly nods her head not saying anything else.

I sigh and look at Boston who was playing with
my curls drool falling trom the corner of his mouth and onto his chin. I quickly wipe it away before it could fall onto his tux before putting him down onto the floor where he walks over to my mom motioning with his hands that he wants to be picked up.

Cassidy walked into the room, her red dress cascading down her body. Her black hair was nearly styled in a bun. She had two bouquets in her hands with white and red roses.

"Are you ready?" She asks with a smile handing me the flowers.

I nod my head as she gives me a one last smile before we follow her out to the doorway where I'd walk down the aisle.

Sofia and Hannah give me a wave from the front of the line, my grandmother puts Boston next to Sofia, who was the flower girl before walking through the door to her seat.

My mom takes my hand and gives it a good reassuring squeeze before looking in front of us and nodding her head.

The music because to play, a smile never leaving my face as we slowly walk up to the door.

The first thing my eyes land on was Tyson. He stood at the alter, a black tux on, his brown hair neatly gelled back and a smile plastered on his face. He looked handsome and I couldn't wait until I was near him.

"You gives this woman away?" The priest asks as my mom gives a faint I do, before placing mine and Tyson's hands together.

I smile up at Tyson his smile matching mine as we stare into each other's eyes. My breathing hitches in my throat as I never break eye contact with him.

"We are gathered here today, for the holy matrimony of Aaliyah Marie Fox and Tyson Miles Bradford."

I drown out the priest as my eyes wonder inside of Tyson's brown ones. I see our future flash before his eyes, the two of us raising Boston and more children as it comes. The two of us in love and happy.

My happy ending was finally here and I couldn't be happier to celebrate it with the man I loved.

"Do you, Tyson Bradford take Aaliyah Fox to be your beloved wife?" The priest asks Tyson who grins.

"I do."

"By the power vested in me and the state of California, I pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride."

It doesn't take long for Tyson and I to meet in the middle before our lips are locked into our first kiss as a married couple.

I smile into the kiss, as I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer to my body. I could hear the crowd cheering for us but I couldn't care. All that matters was that I was finally married to Tyson.

I guess sometimes getting pregnant by your bully is a good thing.

~ The End ~

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