Chapter 58 - Threats

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After Valentina left the audition room, she quickly changed back into her regular clothes before standing outside. She needed to figure out how to get back home. Just as she was about to call a taxi.

"Miss Valentina?" A voice quietly called her name. Looking over, she noticed the car that brought her quietly parked off to the side. Thankfully she recognized the driver who brought her so she quickly entered the vehicle.

"Where to Miss Valentina?" the driver asked her.

"Back to the house-, actually would you be able to take me to my apartment? It's located at xxxx"

"Of course."

As the car quietly drove off, Valentina sat anxiously refreshing her email for any updates on the audition. Since she finally had some free time outside of the house, she should get more things for her stay at the Grayson house.

Once they arrived, she checked her mail and took the time to relax first. It was her first time being alone in her own space and she really appreciated it. After lazing about, she made herself a quick meal of ramen. Unfortunately, all the fresh ingredients in her apartment had gone bad so she thoroughly cleaned out her fridge, and then the rest of her house. She then packed some extra clothes from her closet and some special spices from her kitchen. By the time she was done, she had a suitcase full of goods that she had to lug down the stairs.

Thankfully, since it was late in the evening, there was nobody around to see her and she quietly collapsed in the back seat of the vehicle, completely out of breath.

The drive back to the Grayson's passed by in a flash and before she knew it she was walking into the house and dragging her suitcase inside. Surprisingly Kaiser was still home instead of being in the office or whatever he did during the day. He and Luca were settled into the living room each doing their own thing. When she walked in, Luca immediately ran to hug her while Kaiser silently grabbed her suitcase and took it upstairs.

She quietly sat down to relax but could not help looking at her phone every few seconds. She was feeling anxious about the audition and hoped she would get a call confirming if she got the role or if she should move on and try out for another role.

Suddenly her phone rang, and she noticed that it was an unknown number calling. Although she usually didn't pick those up, she quickly accepted the call.

"Hello?" Valentina cautiously answered it.

"Is this Valentina Salazar?" a familiar voice asked. It was director Brian Loewe.

"Yes, it is!"

"Congratulations Miss Salazar on your new role. We found that you were the best candidate out of everybody we saw and heard good things from our staff members. We'll be sending over the paperwork so please have it signed and returned ASAP if the terms are acceptable to you. Additionally, The opening ceremony to formally announce all the cast members is in a week and filming begins right after that. We'll send the details to your email. I look forward to seeing you then!"

"Thank you, director!"

"Of course. Have a good night Miss Valentina. I look forward to working with you."

"Good night."

The call cut off and Valentina looked at her phone in disbelief. She had actually succeeded. This was the first role that she had actively won for herself as Valentina, and she felt so proud and happy.

"Did you get the role?" Kaiser asked calmly. He had come back down the stairs at some point and was just quietly observing her.

"Yes, I did!" Valentina squealed. Without thinking it through, she immediately threw herself into his arms and hugged him tightly.

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