Chapter 76 - Red Carpet Appearance (1)

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After forcing herself to ingest the poisonous smoothie from hell, Valentina quickly lost her appetite. Instead of delicious spicy chicken and sides, her stomach was now sloshing around with nasty liquid.

She glared angrily at Kaiser before holding out her hand.

"Where's my beer? You owe me."

"Of course. Let me get you a fresh one." Kaiser lazily got up and walked to the fridge.

"Auntie Val, are you mad at Dad for making you drink medicine?" Luca softly asked.

Valentina gently patted his head before replying. "No, I'm not mad at your dad little nugget. Are you enjoying your chicken?"

"Yes! Can I have another spicy one?" Luca smiled happily.

"You like spicy food? It's not too hot for you?" she glanced at him, noting that although his cheeks were a bit pink he looked fine as he ate the spicy wings.

"Mmmm. It's delicious~"

"Good boy. Have some more. There's plenty so eat slowly."


Kaiser watched the harmonious scene happening at his dining table and couldn't help but feel left out. How come he didn't get praised? He liked fried chicken too!

Feeling the urge to interrupt, he walked over and made himself a plate of the spicy chicken after handing Valentina a beer.

As he sat down, the smell of pepper wafted into his nose, and he immediately wanted to sneeze. He took a closer look at the spicy wings, just now noticing that the color was quite a frightening red color.

"I would say take a small bite since it's quite spicy." Valentina cautioned him as she happily sipped her beer.

"It's okay. I quite like spicy food."

"Okay. Don't say I didn't warn you." Her eyes were curved in an amused manner as if waiting to watch a good show.

Slowly, Kaiser raised a drumstick and took a large bite, chewed a bit, and swallowed.


Immediately his lips, tongue, and cheeks began burning. It felt as if a million needles were poking his mouth at the same time.

"Too spicy? Need some milk? I can get it for you if you can't handle the heat." Valentina asked in a mocking manner, her lips curved up happily. She was happy that she had found a way to get back to Kaiser. Anytime that he teased her, she would immediately order spicy fried chicken and force it down his throat.

Kaiser wiped away the sweat dripping down his forehead and forced himself to talk coherently.

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