Chapter 86 - Family Drama (4)

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"We'll see about that. Until then, leave unless you want me to start screaming." She ordered and after cursing at her one more time, he basically ran out the door. As she watched the man scrabbling away in fear, Valentina couldn't help but snort. He had previously been acting tough but clearly, he didn't expect her to fight back against him.

Chuckling to herself, she held her throbbing cheek and withheld her tears. Honestly, if this was the true face of her 'supposed parents', she could understand why the original Valentina was depressed and wanted to end it all. The harsh words coming out of Antonio Salazar's mouth, the obvious bias from Evelynn Salazar, and the constant harassment and bullying from Aaliyah. Nobody truly loved and cared for her. Not her birth parents. Not even the adopted parents who she had never seen or spoken to before. Nobody. Not a single person was on her side.

Sighing to herself, she pulled out her phone and checked her reflection in the camera.


Although the slap hadn't hit her eye, her cheek was swelling and was currently a bright red while her lip had a slight cut on the side. She honestly looked as if she had gotten into a fight and lost. She couldn't rejoin the party like this. People would ask what happened and she didn't want to deal with the controversy.

Mentally cursing out Antonio Salazar and hoping he tripped down the stairs, she shot a quick text to Lia for pickup and began making her way back to leave. As she approached the stairwell, she saw Aaliyah stomping toward her, a fierce look on her face and couldn't help but roll her eyes. The bigger one had finally left after harassing her and now the small one had showed up.

Restraining her annoyance, she put on a fake smile and meant to walk past Aaliyah, but the other girl grabbed her hand and yanked her backward, almost throwing her to the ground.

"What do you want?" Valentina coldly asked her.

"You fucking bitch! What the hell did you do to father that he left in a hurry." Aaliyah yelled while grabbing the collar of her jacket and shaking her.

"Nothing. In fact, I'm on my way to report him to the director since he decided to assault me. Let's see if he can bribe his way out of trouble with more presents." Valentina pointed to her swollen face and gave her a cold smile.

"Valentina, don't you dare."

As Aaliyah spotted Valentina's swollen cheeks she gritted her teeth in anger. Although she was happy that her father had taught Valentina a lesson, she didn't want Valentina to get her father in trouble and possibly ruin their family's reputation for hitting an actress. Although it could all be managed if her father came out to say Valentina was his daughter and he was disciplining her, she didn't want to share the limelight as the Salazar's only daughter and allow people to question her parentage. As indecision warred on her face, she ended up standing still, her hands twitching as she held the lapels of Valentina's coat.

Valentina coldly laughed as she watched Aaliyah mentally struggle before wrenching her body away from her grip. Although she didn't plan on reporting Antonio Salazar to the director, it was still nice to watch Aaliyah squirm.

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