Chapter 110 - System Malfunction (2)

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Although she wanted to sleep, she had bigger fish to fry. Now that things were somewhat settled, she finally decided to address the system notifications that had been blaring in her head ever since she had been talking to Kaiser.

As Valentina stared at the system messages, she felt her pent-up anger rise up again, and she didn't bother being polite to it.

"Hey, you trashy system. What exactly is your problem? Why would you not tell me about the contract? Or stop me from doing something that violates it?"

[......] The system was quiet momentarily as if it couldn't believe how it was being spoken to. Although its Host was usually somewhat rude, it was never to this level.

Not even waiting for a response, Valentina continued questioning the system angrily.

"Why are you acting quiet all of a sudden? You seem to have a lot to say when you're forcing me to do tasks, or when you think I'm not working, or when it comes time to complain about Kaiser. Yet now that I'm asking you a completely fair question as to why you would quietly watch me get into this situation without cautioning me, you're playing dumb and want to act mute? Open your mouth and spit up some answers for me. I'm not in the mood for your games."


There were a few minutes of silence before the system finally replied carefully.

[The Host has always had access to the contract. Therefore, it's the Host's fault for not using your brain to contact a lawyer to read and understand the details of the contract instead of skimming it. It's not my job to warn you about detrimental actions, as the Host has free will to take certain actions as long as the tasks are completed.]

"Is that right? That's your answer to me? I should have used my brain?" Valentina asked in the sweetest tone she could muster.

[...yes?] feeling as if it was a trick question, the system hesitantly replied.

"Good, good, good." Valentina couldn't help but say it three times as the smile on her face got even more dangerous, "You're right. It's completely my fault for not doing my due diligence. I've properly heard your words, and I'm writing and keeping it close to my heart. I want you to remember those words and keep that same energy when you start warning and threatening me in the future. I will bring up this moment right here and remind you about how it's not your job to warn me and my free will before doing whatever I want. Turnabout is fair play, right?"

Hearing the undisguised threat and vicious tone, the system felt that maybe It was being a bit too hasty.

[...perhaps some of the fault lies with me as well for not giving a reminder.]

"Don't backtrack now because I don't want to hear it. You've been acting really shady towards me, and I am sick of you making up rules at the last minute, so let's have an open and clear conversation since you like to point fingers. What exactly is your problem? Hmm? According to you, I had three main missions. Become a top star in acting, become acknowledged by my family as the rightful daughter, and let whatever Aaliyah had done to me come to light. Let's be honest with each other; what about my actions have violated those three missions that you keep warning me every other day?"

[...None of the Host's actions have violated those tasks yet. However, the trend of the Host's actions shows that it will inevitably happen in the future.]

"List it out then. Which actions have almost crossed your imaginary line?"

System: [.....]

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