Chapter 96 - Kiss (4)

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"Good to know that this face of mine is quite effective. Now, my reward?"

Staring at the smug smile, Valentina didn't want to comply for some reason.

As she sulked, Kaiser laughed once more before standing up and giving her a wink.

"If you don't want to, then that's fine too. I'll add it to your tab for later. I'll grab Luca and head out so that you can get some rest."

As he finished talking, he yawned widely before locking his hands and stretching. His hands rose upwards, and his long-sleeved shirt rode up, exposing his leanly muscled stomach.

Blushing while looking away, she could hear Kaiser chuckling lowly before speaking in a teasing tone.

"Don't be shy and take a good look. You properly felt it up while sleeping while muttering 'body pillow' and clinging to me. Your sleeping habits are quite cute. Let me know if you want to recreate the experience since I quite enjoyed it the last time."

As embarrassment flooded her body, she turned and saw an amused expression on Kaiser's face. Seeing that he had gone back to teasing her, Valentina could feel her will to fight back ignited. She couldn't be on the receiving end of his teasing constantly.

Narrowing her eyes at him and raising her chin in a challenging manner, she slowly licked her lips and couldn't help but smile as his gaze locked onto her lips, and he immediately stopped laughing.

"You've been having a lot of fun teasing me all day, haven't you? And now you're bringing up my sleeping habits again? I was considering giving you a kiss since I was quite thankful for your help, but I guess not. Too bad. So sad."

As she leaned back while flipping her hair and pretending to yawn, the baggy pajama top exposed her neck and collarbones, and Kaiser felt as if a spell had been placed on him. He simply couldn't look away.

Seeing the sparkling green eyes look at him mischievously while her lush lips curved in a wicked smile, Kaiser felt as if he would agree to anything as long as she would allow him one kiss.

"Aren't you leaving?"

"Wait, let's not be hasty. We can talk about this." Kaiser immediately began persuading her shamelessly.

"Yawn, I'm so tired. Shouldn't you start heading out? Goodnight, Kaiser. Don't forget to take Luca. I'll hold the door for you." Valentina didn't bother responding to his plea.

Slowly getting up, she intentionally brushed by him as she began heading to the door.

Before she could take a couple of steps, a large muscular arm immediately wrapped around her waist, and her body was pulled back and tightly held against his body while his other arm gently brushed her hair away as he buried his face into her neck.

"Wicked woman. You're playing with me." Kaiser murmured into her neck as he ran his lips softly over it, causing her to shiver slightly before covering her neck with her hand.

"You started it first," Valentina grumbled, even as he continued pressing kisses to her hand.

"I did. Why don't we call a truce for the day?"

"Should we? What if I don't want to? I told you I feel sleepy." Valentina snickered before she pulled herself away and turned to look at him as she sat back down on the bed.

"Wicked woman. Is there any chance I can change your mind? I'm willing to do anything," Kaiser murmured as his eyes followed her every move.

"Hmmmm..." Valentina tapped her chin as she pretended to think. Seeing him begin to sweat a little, she relented slightly, "Why don't you go drop Luca in his room first?"

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