Chapter 17

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Fortunately, a savior appeared just in time to prevent the child from crying. Lyndon, who had been observing the situation, intervened to ease the awkwardness.

"Your Majesty, this villa has some hounds."

Understanding the hint, Kaizen swiftly suggested this idea to the child.

"Alright. How about I show you the hounds?"

"Puppies...? Are there puppies here too?"

The child responded positively to the idea of seeing puppies, which was a relief. Kaizen immediately led the child away from the intimidating stuffed bear and instructed an attendant to bring one of the hunting dogs.

The attendant chose a mild-mannered dog with soft light brown fur.

"This one is the friendliest of the bunch."

Although this hunting dog was larger than typical household dogs and bred for hunting, it approached the child without any signs of aggression. When Theor extended his hand, the dog came closer, sniffed his fingers, and wagged its fluffy tail.

Unfazed, Theor stroked the dog and burst into laughter.

"Oh... it tickles."

Theor quickly bonded with the dog, his fear and earlier shock fading away.

"Is it safe for children to be around this dog?" Kaizen asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty. This hound is well-trained and poses no threat to the child."

Theor gently stroked the dog's head and extended his hand. The dog responded by placing its paw in Theor's hand, allowing him to hold it gently.

"The puppy is nice."

Despite his young age, Theor appeared comfortable and natural in his interactions with the dog, displaying a genuine affection for the animal.

"Have you ever had a dog before?"

"No, I've never had a puppy."

Theor's face momentarily clouded with sadness at the thought of not having a dog. Then he looked back up at Kaizen and continued, "Count Grandfather brought a puppy to my house once. It was a big gray puppy. Uh... Aunt Astelle taught me how to play with the puppy."

It appeared that someone Theor knew had introduced him to a dog. Kaizen wasn't familiar with the details, but it was clear that Theor had a positive experience with dogs, just as Kaizen had enjoyed the company of his father's hounds when he was a child.

Kaizen had always held a fondness for dogs and cats since his own childhood. He remembered chasing after his father's hounds and playing with his grandmother's cat.

Drawing from his own experiences and seeing Theor's delight with the hound, Kaizen suggested, "Would you like to keep this dog as a gift?"

"Really? Can I take him home?" Theor's face lit up with excitement.

"Of course," Kaizen replied with a smile as Theor hugged the dog tightly.

Lyndon, who had been observing the scene, contemplated seeking permission from Astelle but decided against it. Both the young child and His Majesty the Emperor seemed delighted, so he held his silence.

Theor's joy knew no bounds, and he expressed his gratitude to Kaizen politely, "Your Majesty, thank you."

As Theor played around the room with the dog, the attendant cautioned, "Young Master, you shouldn't run around."

Theor immediately stopped in surprise. Kaizen, observing the situation, frowned slightly. It was evident that Astelle had instilled discipline in the child.

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