Chapter 75

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The study door swung open, and the Duke of Reston, seated at his desk, frowned at his son's abrupt entrance.

"What's going on?" he asked, his tone tinged with irritation.

Fritz, his expression contorted with disdain, met his father's gaze squarely. "Seriously? Are you asking because you genuinely don't know what's happening?" he retorted with a sharp edge to his voice.

"You were the one who attacked my grandfather and kidnapped Theor, right?" Fritz accused.

The Duke regarded his son with a puzzled expression. His men hadn't returned to the capital yet, so how could Fritz have known about the incident?

'Was he intending to bring the child here as well?' The thought crossed the Duke's mind, realizing Fritz's intentions might have been to protect Theor.

Suppressing any hint of recognition, the Duke feigned ignorance. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"I know you're behind it all."

Casually leaning against the back of a chair, the Duke countered, "Do you have any evidence?"

"My grandfather claims he saw your men," Fritz asserted, his resolve unwavering. He explained how Astelle had entrusted him with the task of safeguarding Theor and the Marquis, prompting him to dispatch his men to the East without delay.

Despite his orders to locate and safely escort Theor and the Marquis home, it appeared that his men had been outmaneuvered by the Duke's operatives.

Upon finding the inn, they discovered Theor had already been abducted, and his maternal grandfather had been attacked but not seriously injured.

However, upon regaining consciousness, Theor's grandfather had identified the assailants as belonging to the Duke's faction, despite their masked appearances.

The Duke waved off his son's accusations with a dismissive smile. "Your grandfather has been absent for quite some time. How could he recognize my people?" he countered, attempting to deflect blame.

Fritz remained steadfast, his anger simmering beneath the surface. "My subordinates confirmed the presence of your men near the inn," he insisted.

"Merely being near the inn doesn't constitute evidence," the Duke retorted smoothly. "My people are free to travel as they please."

"Father, I didn't come here for games," he snapped, his tone tinged with resentment. "My grandfather is injured, and Theor is missing. Where is he?"

In that moment, Fritz couldn't shake the feeling of shame that washed over him. Despite his efforts to protect his family, he had failed to prevent their suffering at the hands of his own father.

As Fritz reflected on recent events, he couldn't shake the weight of his guilt. Astelle, Theor's biological mother, had entrusted him with a task of utmost importance. However, after the revelation of Astelle's status as Theor's mother at the ball, she had been confined to the mansion, unable to leave without the Emperor's permission.

Now, Astelle's situation had become the subject of gossip and scandal throughout the capital. As a princess who had given birth to an illegitimate child, she faced intense scrutiny and judgment from society.

Despite her own predicament, Astelle had reached out to Fritz for help in ensuring Theor and the Marquis's safe return home. It was the first time Astelle had directly requested his help, and the weight of her trust weighed heavily on Fritz's conscience.

Determined to fulfill Astelle's plea and protect his family, Fritz steeled himself for the challenges ahead.

He couldn't afford to let his personal feelings or his strained relationship with his father hinder his efforts to safeguard Astelle and Theor.

Hiding the Emperor's Childजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें