Chapter 51

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"Where is she going?" Kaizen's curiosity was piqued as he glanced up from his documents, his attention caught by the attendant's words.

The attendant repeated Astelle's request, explaining, "Lady Astelle wishes to take a walk in the north forest and is seeking Your Majesty's permission..."

However, Kaizen appeared to be lost in his own thoughts, barely registering the attendant's words. He raised his hand, cutting off any further explanation, and set the papers down with a frustrated sigh.

"She's planning to go to the forest alone, accompanied only by a young child and an elderly man..." Kaizen muttered angrily, his tone laced with irritation. The recent events still fresh in his mind, he couldn't fathom why Astelle would consider venturing into the forest again under such circumstances.

His frustration mounting, Kaizen continued to mutter to himself, questioning Astelle's decision and wondering what she could possibly be thinking.

Vellian, who had been engrossed in reviewing the documents, raised his head slightly and met Kaizen's gaze. He understood the significance of the northern forest, being a hunting ground directly connected to the palace, and the strict restrictions placed on entry without the emperor's permission. The forest was surrounded by a boundary line, guarded by soldiers to ensure its security.

As Vellian contemplated the situation, he couldn't help but feel a tinge of concern. He had initially believed that the forest was a safe enough place for Astelle to venture into, given the security measures in place. However, he was aware of the emperor's current state of mind and the low mood that had persisted since the night of the ball.

Vellian decided to shed some light on the situation, offering an explanation to Kaizen. "The Marquis mentioned that his health has greatly improved, and Lady Astelle wanted to take him and her nephew on an outing after a long time."

Despite the emperor's somber mood, Astelle seemed to possess a lightness that allowed her to engage in a simple picnic with the child.

It is was because of the young child, Theor, Astelle's nephew. It all started on the day of the ball, when Astelle bravely made a public plea to send her nephew and maternal grandfather back home.

However, to everyone's surprise, Kaizen adamantly refused Astelle's request, making his rejection known to all who were present. The onlookers were left bewildered, unable to comprehend the reasoning behind such a cold refusal.

But Vellian, with his deep understanding of Kaizen's heart, could discern the true intention behind the emperor's actions. Kaizen saw the child and the Marquis as tools to manipulate Astelle into staying in the capital. It was a calculated move to ensure Astelle's presence by his side, regardless of the consequences or the emotional toll it would take on her.

Astelle, her request met with rejection, stood in the middle of the banquet hall, her demeanor resembling that of a cold stone statue. The weight of disappointment and uncertainty hung heavily in the air, casting a somber atmosphere over the gathering.

The Emperor's terrifying expression sent a shiver down Vellian's spine, making it impossible for him to approach and hand over the ceremonial robe as intended. This unfortunate incident had caused a significant rift in the relationship between Astelle and Kaizen. The bond that they had been gradually build over time was now shattered.

Now, even if Astelle's young nephew and grandfather were to accompany them to the capital, it was clear that Astelle had made up her mind to return to the eastern countryside as soon as the will were completed, without a backward glance.

Vellian's gaze shifted from Kaizen to the sky outside, his eyes filled with sympathy. The clear blue sky stretched above, devoid of a single cloud. It was a bright and beautiful day, yet it seemed to intensify the ache in Vellian's heart.

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