Chapter 55

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'I've already washed my face.' Astelle lightly touched her cheek, checking for any lingering traces of tears.

Kaizen's attempt to reassure her was evident in his words. "Don't worry. Everything will be fine."

The reality was that if the truth about the assassination surfaced, things might not be fine at all. Yet, Astelle couldn't voice this concern to Kaizen. If the true culprit was exposed, Astelle knew she wouldn't be able to escape the consequences.

Astelle reproached herself for dwelling on such thoughts in the present situation. She averted her gaze from Kaizen.

"How are your wounds?"

"As you can see, I'm fine," he reassured her.

"What did the doctor say?"

"The doctor said it would be fine."

Despite the seemingly deep cut, Kaizen appeared healthy, a fortunate that there's no aftereffects. Astelle nodded and lowered her head in acknowledgment.

"I didn't properly express my gratitude. Thank you for keeping me safe."

"You owe me no thanks. Protecting you is simply my duty."

Kaizen's tone remained composed as he responded. Astelle's mind suddenly flashed back to the forest scene where Kaizen was wounded while shielding her. In that perilous moment, he fought fiercely, prioritizing her safety over his own well-being.

Astelle responded quietly, her emotions tangled, "I'm relieved that Your Majesty isn't badly injured either."

Kaizen turned towards her, visibly taken aback by her words. He seemed surprised. Astelle paused, wondering why her words had such an effect on him.

"You... Were you concerned about me?"

Astelle couldn't help but worry; after all, he was the emperor.

"I was concerned about the severity of the wound. Aftereffects would be troublesome." She tried to keep her tone composed, yet Kaizen remained visibly astonished.

"Your Majesty, why the surprise?" He looked taken aback.

"It's astonishing to think you genuinely cared about me. I didn't believe it was possible in reality."

Astelle felt unsure whether Kaizen was joking or speaking seriously.

She sighed.

"You saved me, so naturally, I worry." Gratitude mingled with guilt within her. Astelle knew it was her father, the Duke of Reston, who attempted to assassinate Kaizen. This knowledge prevented her from being honest with Kaizen, despite his help having saved her life.


Kaizen, observing Astelle's complex expression, stepped closer to her. In mere moments, the gap between them diminished.

"Your Majesty?"

Kaizen neared, almost within arm's reach. Warmth emanated from his red eyes.

"I'm relieved you're safe."

His sincere gaze rendered her speechless. Kaizen inched closer, gradually closing the gap between them. Astelle, taken aback, attempted to step back, but before she could move, Kaizen gently grasped her shoulder, drawing her into his embrace.

"Y-Your Majesty?"

As Astelle struggled, trying to free herself, a quivering voice reached her ears.

"When the assassin ran at you, I felt like I couldn't breathe." His typically firm, composed voice now quivered with emotion.

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