Chapter 73

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After requesting an audience countless time, Astelle finally found herself face to face with the Emperor, her patience wearing thin.

"How much longer must I remain here, Your Majesty?" Astelle asked directly, her tone tinged with frustration.

"Are you experiencing any inconveniences during your stay here?"

Astelle was momentarily taken aback by the unexpected response. Could there be any convenience in her confinement?

"I can't go out, that's the only inconvenience," she admitted reluctantly.

Indeed, within the mansion, there was no shortage of luxury and comfort. The opulent bedrooms, lavish meals akin to those served in the palace, and the attentive maids attending to her every need left little room for complaint.

"But I don't wish to remain here any longer. I need to return to the East," Astelle insisted, her determination evident in her voice.

"Please, stay a while longer," the Emperor urged, his tone gentle yet firm.

Kaizen issued his orders with an air of certainty, as if they were the most obvious course of action.

Astelle was taken aback by the sudden revelation.

"Your Majesty, but I have family waiting for me back home," she protested.

"I've dispatched knights to bring your grandfather and Theor back to the capital," Kaizen declared matter-of-factly.

Astelle was dumbfounded. "I beg your pardon?" she exclaimed inwardly. She had painstakingly arranged for Theor to leave the capital, and now Kaizen was bringing him back here?

Her frustration bubbled up inside her.

"Isn't it enough for you to keep me confined in this mansion?" she challenged Kaizen, her eyes burning with resentment.

Kaizen met her gaze with a pitiful expression. "The child should be with you. Do you think sending him away from the capital will solve your problem?"

Astelle struggled to contain her rising anger. "I'm sorry, Your Majesty. What problem do you mean?"

Astelle's primary concern lay with Kaizen's insistence on keeping her confined and preventing her from returning home.

As Kaizen hesitated, biting his lip in contemplation, Astelle anticipated his unspoken words. She knew what he was about to say before he even uttered a single word.

'You, a princess, giving birth to an illegitimate child. Do you know what people are talking about right now?' she imagined him saying.

Astelle remained indifferent to the world's opinions of her. As long as there were no rumors circulating about Theor's birth, she saw no need to concern herself with idle gossip.

After a moment of silence, Kaizen spoke cautiously, his words carefully chosen, "I sent a proposal to your father."

Astelle sighed inwardly, feeling weary of the constant stream of surprises.

'Now, I'm tired of being taken aback,' she thought to herself.

"The imperial court has begun preparations for the national wedding. At the earliest, in two months, we will get married," Kaizen announced, his tone firm but tinged with a hint of expectation.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty. What part of the word 'refuse' did you not understand?" Astelle responded coldly.

Kaizen's expression hardened at her blunt rejection.

Despite his outward appearance of indignation, Kaizen couldn't find it within himself to be truly angry with Astelle. Instead, he looked at her with a mixture of hurt and longing, his eyes betraying the pain he felt deep inside.

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