Chapter 30

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Upon their return to the castle, Kaizen headed to the main building with Vellian, expressing his intention to freshen up and change clothes. Meanwhile, Astelle ascended the castle tower, accompanied by a young maid awaiting her arrival.

"I've been instructed to wait for you, Lady," the maid respectfully informed Astelle.

Astelle had decided to use a separate room for herself, anticipating the need for a maid to attend to Theor's care. However, she wasn't overly concerned, knowing they would be in adjacent rooms separated only by a corridor.

"Thank you, please assist me," Astelle replied courteously to the maid's offer of help.

"I've prepared a new bath for Lady," the maid informed her.

Astelle felt relief at the prospect of a proper bath; Theor had been roughly washed earlier, leaving Astelle unable to tend to herself properly. Her dress bore traces of dirt, prompting her desire to change clothes and indulge in a bath.

"Then, let Theor play with the dog in the room for a while," Astelle directed the maid.

"Yes, Lady," the maid acknowledged, complying with Astelle's instructions.

As Astelle turned the doorknob to her room, a sense of surprise overcame her. The room she entered seemed entirely different from what she had expected. Once a sleek and sparsely furnished bedroom with simple pieces on a wide hardwood floor, it now appeared drastically transformed.

Upon entering, Astelle was stunned by the room's complete transformation. The once sparse space now boasted warm fur carpets sprawled across the hardwood floor, while tapestries, woven with vibrant patterns, adorned the cracked walls like intricate spider webs.

Luxurious tables and chairs, adorned in opulent hues, graced the window area, alongside a plush armchair positioned next to the bed. An intricately embroidered tablecloth adorned the round table, housing a small glass bottle containing bright daffodils.

Fluffy cushions embellished the chairs, adding to the room's newfound opulence. Even the bed, formerly a plain structure with stiff posts, had undergone a remarkable upgrade, now featuring a lavish canopy draped over the four posts. Old blankets had vanished, replaced by a clean, plush silk cover.

"It's like an entirely different room," Astelle marveled, utterly taken aback by the drastic change. The room emanated warmth from the crackling firewood ablaze in the fireplace.

Perplexed, Astelle asked, "Why the sudden change?"

The maid, standing at one side, approached with a tense expression. "His Majesty ordered a renovation of the bedroom," she explained.

Astelle felt this was more than a renovation; the entire room felt rejuvenated.

As Astelle took in the room's new atmosphere, Theor, playing nearby, tugged at her sleeve excitedly.

"Aunt Astelle, my room changed too!"

Being pulled by Theor, Astelle followed along, exiting the room and discovering that Theor's room, just steps away in the corridor, had undergone a similar remarkable transformation.

In contrast to Astelle's room, Theor's bedroom exuded a cozy, brighter ambiance, with a distinct baby-like atmosphere. Yellow curtains and bedding brightened the space, adorned with small stuffed animals perched on tables and shelves.

Theor's excitement was palpable as he pointed out Blin's bed-a round, wide cushion surrounded by a fluffy border, seemingly perfect for the dog.

Observing Blin sniffing and then settling onto the cushion, Astelle asked, "Do you like the new bedroom?"

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