Chapter 47

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The ball unfolded in the main palace's banquet hall within the castle premises. An attendant was dispatched to guide Astelle from the annex to the central banquet hall. The distance from the west annex, where Astelle resided, to the banquet hall was substantial, making the journey quite a trek.

After a considerable walk, they reached a grand entrance. Before stepping in, the echoes of bright lights and soft music emanated from beyond the marble door. A fleeting worry crossed Astelle's mind: had she arrived too late? It appeared that all the guests had already gathered.

Without delay, Astelle entered, accompanied by the attendant who announced her arrival. "Lady Astelle has arrived."

The banquet hall rivaled the grandeur of those in the imperial palace, teeming with numerous attendees. As Astelle made her entrance, a sudden hush fell over the expansive hall. All eyes turned toward her, a mix of surprise and curiosity evident on the faces of the guests.

As she made her way through the hall, snippets of hushed conversations reached her ears, indicating that people were gossiping about her unexpected appearance.

"That person is..."

"Apparently, she's the former Empress..."

In an instant, Astelle found herself the center of attention, akin to being the host at a birthday or engagement gathering.

'It's been quite a while since I've been in the spotlight like this,' Astelle thought, reminiscing about her departure from the capital after her divorce, where she had hidden away in the countryside for the past six years. Her sudden appearance on the emperor's tour was quite a change from her secluded life.

'Well, it's certainly worth the chatter,' Astelle acknowledged, though the curious gazes didn't particularly concern her.

'What does it matter, anyway?' she mused, unfazed by the attention.

'I'll be leaving soon, and chances of crossing paths with them again in my lifetime are slim.'

Astelle made her way through the venue's center, drawing numerous curious glances as she headed towards a window. Though she garnered attention, no familiar faces prompted anyone to initiate a conversation.

'It's better not to engage with anyone. I didn't come here to dance or make friends, after all,' Astelle mused, determined to maintain her focus.

Scanning the venue, she sought Kaizen's location but found it elusive. An undercurrent of anxiety gripped her. This occasion was her chance to approach Kaizen in front of a multitude, seeking his permission. Without his presence, all her efforts would be in vain.

'Where are you?' she wondered, her anticipation tinged with unease.

A thorough search revealed no sign of Kaizen, leaving Astelle with no one to ask from. However, on closer inspection, a few familiar faces caught her eye.

On the opposite end of the hall, Vellian found himself surrounded by a cluster of nobles. Astelle observed this and speculated whether Kaizen might be absent. She reckoned that had Kaizen arrived, the nobles would be vying to greet him, yet their attention was fixed on Vellian, the emperor's aide.

As she pondered this, a voice beside her called out. Turning to face a chubby middle-aged woman with a warm smile, Astelle was approached.

"Are you Princess Reston?" asked the woman.

"I am. That's correct, but who...?" Astelle responded, curious about the woman's identity.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Mrs. Schumann, your neighbor," the woman introduced herself with evident respect.

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