Chapter 67

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Each action was executed meticulously. Initially, Theor's quarters were relocated to a small annex adjacent to the mansion's garden. Astelle informed the maids that she preferred the child to be in a sunlit annex, citing Theor's need for a space closer to nature while he recuperated.

Hannah grumbled to the other maids about Theor's insistence on moving to a separate annex near the garden. She reluctantly acknowledged the necessity of the move, lamenting the inconvenience of relocating the luggage with little time remaining before departure.

The explanations from both Astelle and Theor were accepted without much skepticism. Theor's desire to move to an annex near trees and ponds was deemed reasonable by Astelle, and everyone saw no cause for suspicion. It seemed natural that Theor would stay with his beloved grandfather.

"Grandpa needs to depart first," Astelle declared earnestly, seated across from her grandfather in the annex.

"I understand. Then I..." the grandfather began.

"Yes, Grandpa. Don't return to the mansion, but remain close to the gate," Astelle instructed with a determined tone, outlining her plan for the following day's picnic.

The plan was straightforward, the Marquis would await near the gate while Hannah clandestinely escorted Theor in the dead of night. At dawn, they would depart the city and head east—a plan without complications, considering the emperor's authorization.

Theor's departure was scheduled two days prior to the ball.

"Why do I have to move rooms?" Theor observed as Astelle and Hannah sorted through his things. Clutching his teddy bear, he approached Hannah.

Seated with bent knees, Hannah, laden with luggage, responded with a gentle gaze, "I believe you'll enjoy the annex, Young Master. It's a beautiful place. There's a large zelkova tree nearby, and you can climb up to the roof to touch the leaves and bird nests."

"Really? Are there baby birds?" Theor asked excitedly.

As the tale of animals unfolded, Theor's bright blue eyes gleamed with interest. Hannah wore a smile while narrating to Theor.

"Yes, definitely. There's a small pond in front of the garden with frogs. Would you like to go see them?" Hannah asked warmly.

"Yes! I want to see the frogs," Theor eagerly agreed, nodding in excitement.

Astelle, arranging Theor's clothes, managed a bittersweet smile at the innocence radiating from the child.

The bedroom in the separate annex, though smaller than the one in the main building, basked in ample sunlight and offered comfort.

As the curtains drew back, sunlight flooded through the glass windows lining the walls of the room. Theor's collection of toys occupied the space near the fireplace—a collection ranging from plush dolls to intricately detailed model ships and forts, with miniature soldier dolls assembled in a circle.

Amidst the packing, Theor nestled among his toys, cuddling his teddy bear.

While Hannah attended to the luggage, Astelle knelt beside Theor, wrapping her arms around him as he engrossed himself in play. He turned to her, his soft black hair brushing against her cheek.

"Aunt Astelle?"

The fragrance of innocence lingered in the air, emanating from Theor's tender skin. Astelle pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead, a brief farewell that carried a weight of sorrow.

It was the first time she had to part with him since his birth, making the separation particularly poignant.

Throughout the past five years, Theor had never been out of Astelle's care. Now, she spoke to him softly, her heart heavy with impending separation.

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