Chapter 52

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"It would be an immense honor for Your Majesty to join," she conveyed with a respectful bow and a polite smile. "However, I'm concerned about Theor's young age. If he were to act disrespectfully toward Your Majesty, I'd prefer to stay with him in the annex."

Astelle's underlying message was clear, if Kaizen wished to go on the picnic, she preferred he go alone. The slight edge in her words didn't escape Kaizen's notice. His eyes hardened, revealing a mixture of anger, irritation, and resentment reflected in his crimson gaze.

'I understand if you're upset, but why the deep disappointment?' Vellian, unable to see the tension between them, interjected while observing their interaction. "Lady Astelle, I prefer you won't do—"

Astelle attempted to disregard Vellian's interruption, but Theor, gripping her skirt, gazed at her with fervor. "Aunt, why aren't we going? Can't we go with His Majesty?"

At Theor's earnest question, Astelle felt a tug at her heart. Vellian seized the moment and spoke up once more.

"Since the young master's eager, let's all head out together. It's a waste to stay indoors with such great weather," Vellian suggested.

Astelle remained silent, reluctant to go out with Kaizen regardless of the weather. However, upon seeing Theor's enthusiasm, she relented with a sigh. "Alright. We'll go together."

Observing her, Kaizen couldn't help but smirk faintly. "Thank you."

Astelle proceeded toward the carriage, paying no heed to him. What was supposed to be a simple outing involving only Astelle, Theor, and her grandfather morphed into a larger affair, now including Kaizen, Vellian, and the emperor's contingent of knights.

Eagerly, Theor rushed towards Kaizen and grabbed his hand. "So, Your Majesty is coming with me?"

Kaizen nodded. "Yes, we'll all go together."

Observing the interaction between the two, Astelle then took Theor's hand and boarded the carriage first. Accompanied by the knights as escorts, the group made its way towards the forest.


The forest sprawling to the north of Denz Castle boasted remarkable beauty. A clear stream meandered from the east, weaving through the woods, adorned with lush greenery, tall trees, and soft grass beneath their lofty canopies.

The prospect of a picnic in such a picturesque setting seemed immensely appealing—sandwiches and sweet fruit pies enjoyed under the warm sun, complemented by the aroma of fine wine. Imaginations painted scenes of children joyfully frolicking amidst the trees, while adults sat on the grass, relishing snacks and engaging in conversation.

However, the idyllic scene was abruptly interrupted by the cold, relentless patter of rain echoing through the forest. Vellian glanced upwards, gazing at the now-gray sky, and muttered in disappointment, "It's raining... and it doesn't seem to stop."

The weather had been sunny and clear when they embarked on their excursion. However, upon reaching the center of the forest, an unexpected curse seemed to manifest, conjuring rain from the skies.

Hastily, the party retrieved a tent from their provisions in an attempt to seek refuge from the downpour. The tent, initially intended as a shade awning, was now their makeshift shelter, hurriedly assembled by the servants.

Vellian peered up at the expansive canopy above his head, observing the tent swaying precariously in the wind. "Even so... the servants brought this along, and it's supposedly worth ten million."

Without the tent, they would've been drenched by the rain pouring down. The carriage remained parked at the forest entrance, guarded by the knights. Outside, the rain fell so heavily that visibility was reduced to almost nothing.

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