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The moon arose in the black of the night, glowing from the assistance of the sun. It was a beautiful sight. If you looked past the tall trees, you could see the cascade of golden stars, painting the sky like a work of art.

The wind blew softer, and the forest calmed...except for the creatures of the night. Sitting on the edge of the Eastern territory's cliff, I could hear the owl's gentle calls, locus buzzing, bats shrieking, and the rustle of the bushes in the cold winter breeze.

"I'll miss this," I thought while inhaling the rustic scent of the pine trees behind me. I wouldn't be able to see this view for a while. I would return from four years of alpha schooling beginning tomorrow. They would take me to the eastern mainland to shape me into an alpha worthy to run a pack of my own. The next generation of our tribe rested on my hands. Being the daughter of the current chief of the Eastern pack, I had to make sure I was ready to take over, along with my subordinates--a group of Eastern alphas and betas.

It's not like I didn't want to take over the pack someday, but at age sixteen, it was a lot to take in. One day, the safety and care of hundreds of people would be put on my shoulders, along with keeping the peace between the North, South, and Western packs.

I would have to start to find a mate when I returned, too. He would most likely be chosen for me by my parents and the elders--the oldest and wisest members of the pack. They would have to be exceptional, of course, nonetheless, but they would also have to be suitable to rule the next generation by my side. To think, in four years, I would be twenty years old, returning to our village, hopefully bringing pride upon the noble bloodline.

My snowy white fur encircled me like a warm winter coat, protecting me from the cold as my thoughts wandered. Not long after, I heard a loud beckoning howl, forcing my gaze north. From below the cliff stood my father, the head alpha in his wolf form, calling for me to come home.

After tucking my ears back and looking at the land beyond, I tilted my snout in the air and let out a long, proud howl in honor of my pack. Not long after, I got a loud reply from my clan's cries and wagged my tail.

"I will make you all proud," I thought with a sigh.

We are warriors of the night, lycanthropes as some would call us, but we go by an altogether different name. A more significant name, one that we wear in the highest of honor. A word that describes one of our most prominent features.

We are Claws.

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