Chapter Fifty-Two

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When Zale and I approached the crowd, I sighed and looked around. Why hadn't my parents taken action and helped calm down this crowd? They were inside the infirmary, right? Didn't they hear how out of control this was getting?

"I don't think we're going to get through this crowd easily." Zale pursed his lips together and rubbed the back of his neck. He turned to me and crossed his arms. "What say you?"

"I'll handle it. Stay here," I sighed again, pushing my way into the crowd. "Everyone pushing and yelling! I need you all to calm down!" I raised my voice, looking around. My eyes began to glow a harsh shade of dark orange as my gaze hit the people surrounding me. One by one, the majority of people began to quiet as their eyes met mine, and the frantic pushing slowly began to stop. Almost immediately after the kayos began to die down, everyone around me began to step back, creating a path for me leading to the front. "Thank you," I gently responded as they parted. I hadn't ever subjugated this many people, even in my time in the academy. My head began to ache as I quickly strode down the path toward the wide-eyed alphas in the front. They were breathing heavily and had shifted into their human forms.

As much as I disliked to subjugate my pack members, I considered this situation an exception. When I was studying the meaning of subjugation with Zale, he taught me that a crucial time to show the power of control and leadership would be if the omegas couldn't calm down a problematic situation, especially when it could potentially cause others harm. Subjugation wasn't something to be taken advantage of, and of course, I knew that. Making someone submit against their will without an important reason would be a form of abuse, to say the least.

I carefully passed my pack members and released them from my submission. To my relief, they remained calm and let Zale pass through as he followed me, closing the gap once I reached the front. Reggie and the rest of his coworkers kept their eyes on me, appearing to be shocked as I turned around and faced the pack.

"I know everyone is curious and concerned about the recent event at hand concerning the injured betas that have just returned from their retreat. As the chief's daughter, I'm here to assure you that we're investigating the matters at this very moment. I'm relieved to inform you that no one was fatally wounded, and everyone will make a full recovery. I would appreciate it if all of you would return to your daily activities for now while we investigate and get the full story from the victims. Those who are family may come forward to get permission to enter the building. However, you must have the doctor's and security members' permission to visit your children," I steadily announced, looking out into the crowd. "I appreciate your cooperation in all of this. I promise to give you all updates once we gather all of the information."

When I finished speaking, a wave of muffled whispers rushed across the crowd while some began to leave hesitantly. I turned to the security group and glanced at the men at the end of the barricade. "I want the seven of you at the end to go talk to the remaining families and make sure they get inside. Please talk to the doctor in charge without disturbing the other patients or causing a scene. The rest of you stay out here and help me deal with the remaining crowd. Understand?"

For a moment, all the guys stared at me with dazed looks on their faces. I raised an eyebrow in confusion as they stared at me with flushed cheeks.

"Hey! The future chief asked you to do something!" Zale snipped. "Say yes, ma'am, and do as you're told." Every single person in the group blinked, responding with an obedient " yes, ma'am," and began to follow my orders. I looked up at Zale in shock. I'd never heard him use that kind of tone with anyone before. It wasn't harsh but authoritative and firm. When Reggie began to trot away gleefully, Zale stopped him by the collar of his shirt. "Not you."

"Right," Reggie pursed his lips, slowly turning around with a sheepish smile on his face. I was surprised to see that he looked almost the same in his human form as he did a wolf. He had tan skin with white hypopigmentation spots covering his body, copper-colored hair, and the same blue and brown eyes he had as a wolf. To be honest, I found his appearance kind of intriguing. It definitely wasn't something you'd see on a daily basis. When Reggie spotted me, a big grin spread across his face, and he trotted to my side. "You must be Mae Astor, the upcoming chief and the beauty of the pack. It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Reggiomand Fisher, but my friends and admirers call me Reggie. I would be pleased if you addressed me the same."

I stifled a laugh as he held his hand out, his palm facing upwards, and bowed. When I took his hand, he placed a kiss on my knuckles.

I stifled another laugh as Zale shoved him away with a wolf-like growl, wrapping his arms around me while glaring at Reggie. "Don't touch her. She's mine."

"Says who?" I scoffed, raising an eyebrow at Zale while squirming out of his arms.

He stepped forward and brushed his fingers against my bite patch. "Says this," he whispered in my ear with a smirk. His warm breath against my ear sent shivers down my spine. I clenched my teeth and flushed as he pulled back and turned to Reggie again. Why did I feel like I was losing something here? "Anyways, what happened here? I figured there would be some drama when we arrived, but I wasn't expecting this much. How long have you guys been holding these people back?"

"Oh, we've been at it for hours! It was super fun!" Reggie grinned, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. He didn't seem the least bit phased at Zale's affection towards me. Maybe it was because he didn't care? "I caught twenty-six people trying to get through! It was a rush when they came charging up to the door, I tell you! They were super easy to throw back in the crowd, though. It's a shame they were so weak."

"What the heck? He even counted how many people that slipped past him?" I thought, raising an eyebrow. "Now I understand what Zale meant by this guy having a complex. He really loves his job."

"Geez, and you're not tired at all? That's impressive," I frowned, raising my eyebrows, failing to show my bewilderment. "That's horrible. I wonder why my parents didn't help with this mess. I need to see what they're up to."

This whole situation was bugging me. Why hadn't my parents dealt with all of this already? I felt bad for the security team that had to hold them back for so long.

"Oh, of course! I'm going to go help get the rest of this crowd out of here!" Reggie nodded, putting his hands on his hips with a mischievous grin. "It was nice meeting you, Mae! I can definitely see why Zale is so into you! You're a catch."

"Shut up," Zale growled at Reggie again, baring his canines as the eccentric alpha trotted away with a goofy laugh. Zale sighed and slung his arm around my shoulders, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Why did you let him kiss your hand like that and not say anything? It's irritating."

"Heh, are you jealous?" I teased with a smug smirk, crossing my arms.

Zale turned to me with a serious look on his face and tilted my chin up so my eyes met his. He leaned in close to me, his dark hair brushing against my forehead, tickling my skin. "Yes. I'm very jealous," he gently spoke, pressing his lips against my left cheek. "I don't want anyone else to have you but me. I thought I'd made that very clear."

My cheeks flushed a bright red, and I pulled back. I put my hand on my cheek, humiliation rushing through me. "Geez, you were supposed to deny that, you idiot. Where's your dignity?" I mumbled, shuffling towards the infirmary's entrance. I shook my head and pressed my lips together. This guy was driving me insane. "Behave yourself. Let's get inside before all of the families start to pile in."

I had to take a long set of deep breaths before I was able to compose myself.

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