Chapter Sixty-One

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Zale felt himself trembling as he walked into the snowy clearing just a few meters into the southern border. The moment Archeus' voice echoed in his head that morning, he knew he would be walking into this torture chamber only hours later. Zale hated this place. Every time Zale walked into the could-be beautiful space, the darkness consumed him, and all he could think about were the beatings and lectures awaiting him.

When Zale reached the middle of the clearing, he stopped and shifted into his human form. Dread and fear filled his chest. He could sense his "father" approaching along with a group of alphas, mostly male but some female. He always brought a group.  

Not moments later, he saw Archeus enter the clearing in the form of a large black wolf, emerging from the depths of the woods, his tough fur glistening in the moonlight. His cold, venomous red eyes scanned the clearing, locking onto Zale, who was struggling to stand in place.

Zale's heart pounded in his chest as Archeus approached him with an air of dominance. His muscles tensed, and he felt the urge to crouch in a guarded position, but knew if he did, he would make things worse.

As the black wolf drew closer, Zale could see the glint of sharp teeth in his snarling mouth. The scent of wildness and danger filled the air as around twenty wolves spread into the clearing, making Zale's blood run cold.

"Kneel." Instead of greeting Zale, Archeus stopped in front of him and gave one simple but harsh command, his intimidating presence looming over his son. Zale could feel the weight of Archeus' gaze bearing down on him as he forcefully followed the wolf's command without a second thought. Archeus growled in irritation as he circled Zale. "I can see you're still refusing to manifest your southern chief traits. If only you'd give in, I wouldn't have to do this to you. You're pathetic. Just like your mother."

"Don't talk about my mom like that." Zale gritted his teeth, glaring at his father. "You said you'd leave her out of our business if I do what you say."

"You'd do what I say anyways," Archeus scoffed, shifting into his human form. As a human being, he was even more terrifying to look at. Archeus stood tall with a thick mane of jet-black hair that fell in waves around his sharp, chiseled features. Unlike Zale, his skin was pale and flawless, a stark contrast to his piercing, blood-red eyes that seemed to burn with a demonic force. This man he once acknowledged as his father had now become his worst nightmare. His presence was suffocating. It felt like he was kneeling before the devil himself.

"I can't believe my son turned out to be such a coward. It's pathetic. You're an absolute disgrace." Archeus grabbed his son by the face, almost with enough force to break his jaw, and yanked upward so Zale's eyes met his father's. Archeus' wolf-like claws dug into Zale's cheeks, drawing blood. Zale grunted in pain with a clenched jaw. "I've tried to get you to manifest all this time, but you still refuse to do it. I was even gracious enough not to harm Linda and Robin. And this is how you thank me? You finally showed signs of manifestation, and you still refuse your bloodline."

"Why would I want to accept my bloodline when all it's done is ruin my life? You promised to stay away from the pack! You promised you wouldn't harm anyone!" Zale winced and looked up after his father threw him to the ground. "Now you've started a war!"

"If you'd only come with me and accept who you are, I wouldn't have had to start any of this," Archeus sneered, leaning down, gripping his son's neck. "This is your fault." When Archeus began to tighten his grip on Zale's neck, blocking his windpipe, Zale gripped his father's hand. His eyes grew wide when the pressure increased .

Archeus grinned with crazed eyes and began to lift his son off the ground. Spit scattered on Zale's face as Archeus' voice escalated into a hysterical yell. "COME ON! SHOW ME THOSE RED EYES! DO IT! GIVE INTO WHO YOU REALLY ARE, YOU PATHETIC PIECE OF TRASH!" Zale gripped Archeus' hand, struggling to loosen the suffocating grip as his eyes rolled in the back of his head. Before Zale could pass out, Archeus released his neck, slamming him on the ground. Zale's back hit the hard floor beneath him with a loud thunk, knocking out whatever wind he had left in him. Before Zale could catch his breath, Archeus yanked him up by his shirt. "GET UP!"

Zale gasped, holding his throbbing neck, when he felt the sharp prick of a needle sinking in and out of his carotid artery. "Stop," Zale wheezed when Archeus let go of his shirt and threw the syringe in his hand across the clearing into the woods. "Just stop. You know I can't fight back while I'm under your submission."

"Alright, I'll stop," Archeus frowned with raised eyebrows, looking around at the rugged, snarling wolves around him. His voice was as manic as ever. "You know what happens next, don't you? Actually, I heard you killed two of my men. So now, instead of just immobilizing everyone today, you're going to kill them."

"No." Zale stumbled back, glaring at his father with tears in his eyes. "Even if they're your own, I won't. Don't make me kill anyone you have under your submission. They're innocent."

"I HAVE EVERYONE IN THE PACK UNDER MY CONTROL, BOY! YOU WILL KILL THEM OR I'LL DO IT MYSELF THEN GO AFTER LINDA AND ROBIN! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?" Archeus screamed, slamming his fist in between Zale's ribs. A crack echoed through the clearing, bouncing off the trees, followed by Zale's scream of agony. Zale buckled on his knees, pressing his hands against his ribs. His head spun when he felt Archeus' knuckles slam into his face and then cheek. Blood pooled out of his nose and mouth. "UNTIL YOU MANIFEST, YOU WILL DO AS I SAY! THAT WAS THE DEAL! NOW STAND UP AND FIGHT!"

As Archeus' eyes glowed a bright shade of red, Zale felt his legs pull him up. He could barely breathe. As he began to survey the wolves around him, his k-nines began to manifest, as did his claws and ears. Zale closed his eyes as they began to roll back in his head. No. He didn't want this.

As he felt a thick liquid seep out of his eyes, figuring it was a mixture of his blood and tears, they opened, and the horrific feeling of bloodlust consumed him. Zale instinctively shifted into his wolf form, an unbearable wave of pain spreading throughout his ribs.

That was when the wolves all around him came charging forward, going for the kill.

ClawsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora