Chapter Eighteen

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"Mae," Robin slowly inched towards his best friend as she shifted into her wolf form. He took the artificial pheromone shot out of his pocket. She was seething, out of control. Zale was standing next to her, Beck on the other side. What was he doing here? Zale was staring at Mae, his eyes full of anger and confusion. "Mae, calm down. It's going to be alright. Just stay still and focus on me."

She bore her teeth at Robin, and his eyes widened. She wasn't even lucid. She was going to go rogue. Oh no. "Everyone get out of here! Party's over!" Robin yelled, turning to Beck. "You too! Go! Get everyone out of here!"

"What's happening?" Beck hesitantly stepped back as people immediately started clearing the area, curious conversations spreading throughout the crowd. "Why's she like this?"

"I'll explain everything later! Just go! It's not safe here!" Robin sighed, turning to the growling white wolf in front of him. She had turned to Zale, snarling as she pawed at the ground. Her tail whipped towards Robin and knocked the syringe out of his hand. Robin cursed for the first time in a while and stepped back as Zale shifted. He needed that syringe to calm her down. It was either that, or she'd have to find an alpha whose pheromones could stabilize her mood, and that was going to be nonexistent with her disorder. "Zale, I'm going to go get her parents! If I leave her with you, do you swear you'll help her?"

Zale glanced at Robin and nodded right before Mae lunged right at him. "Just go! I'll try to calm her down! You shouldn't be anywhere near a rouge alpha, let alone her!"

Robin clenched his teeth together and shifted. He sprinted to Mae's house as fast as he could, letting out a loud warning howl.


I wanted to kill Zale. I wanted to rip him apart in my jaws and tear him into shreds. I wanted to taste his blood and spit it out, painting the forest floor with red. My head spun as I hyperfocused on the massive black wolf in front of me. I immediately leaped forward, clamping my jaws down on his shoulder. Zale shoved me off before I could bite too deep and tossed me near the woods. I stood up on all fours and snarled, licking my k-nines.
"Mae, you need to calm down. You're not in your right mind right now." I barely heard Zale over the sounds of my vicious growls.
I bent down, getting ready to lunge at him, then stopped at the sudden scent that wafted past me. It smelt good. Cinnamon?

I blinked, my head aching as everything stopped spinning, and looked around. Everyone at the party was gone. I was alone with Zale. A huge wave of anxiety and confusion rushed through me. What was going on?

I tucked my tail between my legs and pulled my ears back with a whimper as I stepped away from Zale, who had begun to inch towards me. "S-stay away! Leave me alone!" I was scared now. What the heck?

Before I knew it, I was bolting through the woods, getting as far away as possible from Zale and any of my pack members I smelt nearby. I needed to run. I needed to hide. I couldn't be near anyone.

I don't know how much time passed as I ran, so disoriented I could barely navigate myself through the woods. Before I knew it, I had crashed into the lake on the far southern side of the eastern territory. At first, the shock from the cold water made me even more disoriented, but the moment I crawled out of the lake, my mind started to clear up. I shifted into my human form, thinking that I'd be dry, but I was horribly mistaken. My clothes were soaking wet, and even worse, I didn't have my jacket with me. I attempted to shift back into my wolf form, but my body wouldn't change. I was going nuts. This had never happened to me before.

I knelt on my knees in front of the water, a sudden wave of nausea waving through me, and gagged. Nothing came out. I wanted to throw up. Why couldn't I throw up?

Tears poured down my face as I began to hyperventilate in the bitter cold, surrounded by faint patches of snow. I was freezing, I couldn't breathe, and I had absolutely no idea what was happening to me. I felt like I was dying. Was I dying?

Suddenly, I caught a faint whiff of pheromones. They smelt of mold and rotten fertilizer. It was repulsive.

"Well, looky here." The low, unfamiliar voice from behind me made me jump. I immediately turned around to see two men with brown and blonde hair around my age standing right in front of me with sly looks on their faces. I was still shaking and overstimulated, so their unfamiliar presence was terrifying. I could tell from the smell of their growing pheromones that they weren't from my pack.

I wanted to speak, but I couldn't. All I could do was look up at them, feeling hopeless. I needed to move!

"Look at this beautiful white hair, Rich," the blonde mused, kneeling in front of my shivering body. He took a strand of my hair and ran his fingers down it while Rich came up from behind me and pressed his nose to the side of my ear, inhaling the pheromones that I had been emitting from my incoherence.

"She smells good, Lan. Take a whiff," Rich sighed, sliding his hands around my shoulders. I winced, gagging as both of their pheromones grew stronger.

"G-go away!" I sobbed, feeling every muscle in my body weaken. In no time, they shoved me to the floor, hovering over my body as their hungry eyes set on me. "L-leave m-me alone!"

When Rick brushed his fingers across my cheek, I finally found the strength to lift my head up to clamp my teeth down on his hand, sinking my fangs deep into his skin. He screamed out in pain and grabbed my neck, squeezing it so I would let go. Their pheromones grew heavier and heavier as I grew dizzier and dizzier. I finally let go of his hand when his grip tightened on my throat. My eyes began to water as he squeezed his hand around my neck, even after I released his hand from my mouth.

"You stupid mutt!" Rick sneered, finally letting my neck go, only to stand up and kick me in the stomach. The back of my head smashed into the rock behind me with a loud thunk. A warm, throbbing, wet sensation immediately enveloped the back of my head. I felt a few of my ribs break and tried to scream out, but my vocal cords had already become too swollen to make a noise.

Landon pulled Rick away from me and tossed him to the side. "Easy now! We can't let a pretty face and figure like that go to waste, now can we? Look, her eyes are already glazing over from our pheromones. She can't even move now. She's all ours."

What kind of sickos were these guys? "Get off!" I tried to yell as the straps of my dress were ripped off, but only a painful whimper escaped my lips.

I shut my eyes as their repulsive pheromones became all I could smell, and the hands of the two rapers tearing at my dress were all I could feel. I would have rather died at that point than go through this any longer.

That was when all of it stopped, and the disgusting weight of the two men on top of me disappeared.


Hello, my lovely readers! I hope you enjoyed that chapter! Mae is extremely disoriented in this chapter, so it's supposed to be kind of kayotic, but let me know if it's a little too fast paced, and I'll clarify things!

Thanks for reading! Vote, like, comment, and keep reading! Love y'all!


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