Chapter Forty-One

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Zale scratched the back of his neck as he shuffled to the front door. Mae was really testing his sanity. His temporary mark had definitely taken effect, considering she wasn't ripping his hair out and screaming at him, but somehow, it still felt like he was still being punished. Even with her mood stabilizing, Mae was surprisingly lax about this whole situation. In fact, she didn't even seem embarrassed, walking around and only wearing his shirt while he was all flustered and anxious.

He scoffed, shaking his head as his doorbell kept going off. "I'm coming! I'm coming!" He yelled over the loud banging as he approached the door. Not having a good feeling about who it could be, he unlocked his door and swung it open. Robin was standing there, his jaw clenched, his red hair all over the place, crossing his arms. "Robin? What are you doing h—"

"Where is she?" Robin interrupted his brother, pushing his hand against the door to shove past him. A rush of panic hit Zale, and he stopped the door, blocking the way in. "Woah, dude, you can't just come here at the crack of dawn and barge into my house without an explanation. How about a "Good morning" and a "Can I come in" first? Maybe give me a clue on who you're looking for?" Zale spoke a little louder, hoping Mae would get the memo and hide, but not enough for his raise in tone to be obvious.

Robin took a long, deep breath, then gave his brother an extremely superficial smile. "Good morning, buttcheek. Will you please step aside so I can retrieve my friend?"

"Did you really just call me a buttcheek?" Zale laughed, raising his eyebrows. "And why do you think Mae would be here?"

"I know she came to your house last night to make dinner for you and didn't go back home. Plus, her shoes are right next to your shoe rack. I was sent here by Mae's parents to check on her. Now let me in." Robins' fake smile dropped. He shoved his hand against the wood again, sending the door swinging open. Robin trucked his way past his brother.

"Robin! Wait!" Zale yelled, shutting the door and running after the furious ginger.

He was so busted.


My eyes grew wide, and I slowly set down my now-empty glass of orange juice. A small O formed in my mouth as I slowly picked up my last piece of bacon and stuck it in my mouth. An awkward crunch echoed in the kitchen as I bit down. Robin stood petrified at the entrance of the kitchen, looking at me in horror, his eyes set on the bite and hickeys covering my neck, then traveling down to the singular t-shirt I wore. Zale came stumbling after him, a panicked look on his face.

Oh crap. I was thinking about how much better I felt that I didn't think something like this would happen. Of course, people were looking for me. I'd been missing all night after visiting Zale's house. It sounded shady, to say the least.

I looked behind Robin at Zale with the same wide eyes and carefully stood up. "Um...Would you believe me if I said this isn't what it looks like?" was the first thing that came out of my mouth when I saw Robin's bewildered expression.

"I can't believe you," Robin growled, turning to Zale and gritting his teeth. Before I knew it, Robin had swung his right fist across Zale's cheek, sending Zale stumbling backward into the kitchen wall. I covered my mouth and rushed towards them as fast as I was able when Robin grabbed Zale's shirt. 

"Geez, you really got that right hook down. That actually hurt a lot." Zale pressed his hand against his jaw, opening and closing his mouth with a wince. "I want to say I'm kind of proud of you, but-"

"Shut up! Just shut up for once in your life!" Robin yelled, clenching his hand tightly down on Zale's shirt, shoving him to the wall again. "I can't believe you would go this far! Going after Mae like this? She's like a sister to you!"

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