Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Zale felt a wave of nausea rush through him as the girl in front of him tugged down on the collar of his shirt to bring her lips to his. He didn't even know the girl's name this time. She'd just walked right up to him while he was walking down the hill away from his mom's house, flashing her pheromones, shoving him into the woods with obviously one thing on her mind. He hated these types of girls but, in spite of his feelings, went with it. He needed her blood and venom after all, so he guessed he'd have to indulge her this time. Beggars can't be choosers.

Before he could reach her mouth, the nausea got worse. He shoved her away with a gag and covered his mouth with his hand. Her pheromones were repulsive, just like all the rest he had been with the past week. The smell of any female pheromones made him sick these days, but this time it was unbearable. He was going to throw up.

"Zale?" The girl in front of him put her hands on his shoulders, bending down to see the sickly look on his face. Zale immediately backed away from her, fell on his knees, and threw up. "Oh my gosh! Are you okay?" The girl gasped, carefully inching towards him.

"Get out of here," Zale coughed, spitting the excess vomit in his mouth on the floor. His throat hurt when he talked from the bile. When she didn't move, standing in place with a confused expression on her face, he looked up at her and glared, bearing his sharp k-nines at the frozen girl in anger. "Did you not hear me? Leave!"

The girl jumped in shock, instantly turned around, and bolted into the woods. Zale sighed, wiping his mouth as he stood up and leaned against the nearest tree.

It was inevitable. No matter how many girls he was with, he got sick from their pheromones. He somehow knew this day would come. For the past two years, the pheromones of every girl he was with had grown even more repulsive from a couple of weeks to a week to a day, and now with one whiff. This wasn't good. He needed the blood and venom from a female Claw to live. In two weeks, he would surely meet his death if he didn't get any in his system.

He was defective.

He clenched his jaw and kicked leaves over his pile of vomit.

After the nausea subsided a little, he decided to go to his house. He needed to get her smell off of him.

It took a thirty-minute shower to get the stench off his skin and three rounds of brushing his teeth to clean the vomit taste out of his mouth. Staring into the bathroom mirror, he sighed at the pale face looking back at him. "What are you doing, you idiot?" He whispered.

This sucked.


Zale was fast asleep in his king-sized bed when a loud howl woke him up. It was from the chief. In an instant, he knew the beckoning call was directed towards him. When the chief howled, it was sent to the targeted recipient, sending a beckoning auditory message. 

Zale immediately sat up and headed for the door as he heard the howl again. It was close by, coming from his mother's house. Mae was still there. Was she in trouble? Did something happen to her? A sudden rise of panic filled his chest as he slipped his shoes on and ran outside, shifting into his Claw form.

He stuck his snout in the nighttime air and let out a loud, responding howl to let the chief know he was on his way. Why was he so scared? Mae was as stubborn as a mule, always fought with him, and basically hated his guts, so why did he care so much? Why did it hurt so much when she compared him to that blonde-haired punk? It's not like he had those kinds of feelings for her...

It's a brotherly concern. Yeah. That's what I'm feeling. Siblings fight all the time, but they still care about each other, right?

Lately, all he could think about was Mae. At least ever since he saved her from those Southerners. He had no idea what was going on in his own head, let alone hers. When her mom pulled him in after Mae was admitted to the hospital and told him that his pheromones were somehow good for her...that she needed them to ease the pain of her heat...It felt kind of good, though he didn't really know why. Maybe it was the fact that he was being relied on to take care of something so important. He felt the same way when the chief announced that he was going to be training Mae to lead the pack.

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