Chapter Sixteen

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Zale sighed in boredom as he leaned his back against the nearest tree, a girl with her face in his neck. His chin was probably scratchy. He hadn't shaved in days, but she didn't seem to care. Her pheromones already smelt repulsive, and it was only three days ago that they'd hooked up. She used to smell like fresh strawberries, but now she reeked of cheap perfume. He couldn't stand the smell any longer. As her teeth sunk into his neck, he put his hands on her shoulders, pushing her away before she could inject her pheromone venom into him.

The blonde-haired girl looked up at him with a confused, seductive look. "What's wrong? You don't want to?"

"Look..." Zale began, trailing off. What was her name again? Georgina? Ginger? Gina? Nevermind. "It's been nice and all, Gina, but I think we should call it quits."

"My name is Farren. The last girl you were with was named Gina," the blonde looked at Zale and pouted right before she leaned in and pressed her lips to his neck again. Well, she was persistent.

"Okay, then. Farren. Listen to me," Zale scoffed, shoving the girl off him. He leaned close to her face and kissed her, giving her a fake smile afterward. "I'm bored, and you're too clingy. We're over."

Farren's eyes widened in shock when Zale wiped his mouth and shifted into his wolf form, trotting away. Well, he was glad that was over with. What should he do next? Oh right. There was a party tonight. There were no drinks, and it was a mixed party, so it was going to be boring, but it was better than doing nothing. Maybe he'd find another girl to have fun with.

The night enveloped Zale's surroundings, and as he traversed the labyrinth of trees, the subtle rustling of leaves and the distant hooting of an owl provided a melodic backdrop to his journey. The air bore the earthy scent of pine and damp soil, carrying with it the secrets of the forest. With each stride, his muscles flexed beneath the sleek coat, and his blue eyes surveyed the surroundings. Gazing to the north, the bonfire shone brightly through the trees. It was not only the light but the loud, cheerful laughs and voices that drew him in that direction.

Zale shifted in less than a second when he got close enough to the grounds, peeking in between the trees at the large crowd, eating and drinking their non-alcoholic beverages while smiling and laughing. How boring. What were they so happy about?

Zale sighed and slinked out of the woods, finding an empty chair next to a smaller campfire in the area looking around. Already, a couple of girls were looking his way, whispering to their friends while giggling and smiling. He would most likely get another girl by the end of the night. He knew he was good-looking enough to lure almost any girl in. This was going to be easy. It was always too easy.

His eyes wandered around the crowd again until he saw a familiar figure in the distance. Mae. She was dressed in a beautiful white dress, short enough to expose most of her long legs, a small leather jacket, and black boots. Her long white hair was curled, and her face seemed a bit more defined when he last saw her. Makeup? Zale frowned, wondering how that little brat could have gotten so captivatingly beautiful. She had gotten more stubborn and headstrong, too. Zale figured she would have a hard time finding a mate with that personality. That was until he saw a blonde-haired guy walk up from behind her and sling an arm around her waist. He looked like an alpha. Zale was shocked when she not only let him keep his hand there but laughed at the boy and returned the gesture.

Blondie boy whispered something in her ear, and she nodded, still beaming like an idiotic schoolgirl while he helped her take her jacket off. Zale's eyes widened. There were barely any straps on that dress, and the neckline stooped extremely low in between her chest, showing off a wide amount of cleavage. Zale's cheeks grew hot out of what he assumed was anger, and he scoffed. Was she crazy? What was she doing, dressing like that? She was way too exposed, and that pretty boy was way too close to her. How reckless, especially with that pheromone disorder of hers.

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