Chapter Fifty-Seven

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When I woke up in the morning, the first thing I saw was Zale's peaceful expression while he held me in his arms. His black hair smushed into my pillow, pulling several of his locks out of place so his hair stuck out in odd directions. His lips were set in a natural content line as his face and dark lashes basked in the sunshine that emanated through my windows, highlighting his sharp jawline and high cheekbones. His brawny chest rose up and down against my cheek as he breathed in and out in a peaceful, steady rhythm. As I regained my senses, I realized my legs were partially entangled with his, and one of my arms was around his torso like it was the most natural thing in the world. The body heat radiating off of him, along with the scent of his rich pheromones sinking into the fabric of my bedsheets and clothes, made me flush and cover my free hand over my face in embarrassment. I had really done it this time. 

When I slowly looked up again, I pressed my lips together, wondering how someone could have gotten so lucky with their genes. I'd always known Zale was stunning to look at, but now that I held these confusing positive feelings toward him, he seemed even more radiant, sleeping next to me. 

Suddenly, I felt Zale shift, and his arm tightened around me. My eyes widened as he turned on his side and wrapped both arms around me, tugging me closer to his body with a tired sigh. His mouth brushed against my forehead, tickling my skin, and I bit my lip. Our legs naturally intertwined again when he stopped shifting around, and my arm remained slung around his torso. My cheeks heated up even more when I realized the last thing I wanted to do was to pull away from him. Everything about his body surrounding mine felt incredible.

I slowly lifted my head to take a peek at him again when I felt his breaths even out again. When I saw him, I couldn't help but crack a small smile. I'd never seen him have such a horrible bedhead, but it was actually kind of cute. 

"Are you having a nice time staring at me, little snowflake? And with such a beautiful smile. Be still my heart." When Zale opened one of his eyes and looked down at me with a wide-awake smirk, my eyes grew wide, and I jumped in shock.

"I...I wasn't staring at you. I just woke up." I cleared my throat as I wriggled out underneath his arms, trying to slide off the bed. "I just smiled because your hair looks ridiculous right now."

"Oh no, you don't," Zale laughed, pulling me to him again. I toppled on top of him. When I tried pulling away, he pulled me back on top of him by my waist and held me down. "Nuh-uh. I told you last night that you're done dining and dashing. Plus, I just had an epiphany about our relationship that you might be interested in hearing."

"And that is?" I skeptically raised an eyebrow as I rested my arms on his chest, giving up on my escape. 

Zale grinned up at me and brushed my hair out of my face, his fingers traveling down to my temporary mark. "You're already mine, per se. So, I came to a rather reasonable conclusion about us. I can be your temporary mate. That's basically what we are right now."

"So, in normalized terms, you want to be my temporary boyfriend?" Both of my eyebrows were raised now. 

Zale grinned and sat up so I was on his lap, pressing his lips against my ear. "No, I actually want to marry the heck out of you, Mae Astor." Zale's voice was low and playful. As he slowly leaned back, I felt my cheeks heat up. "My epiphany was that I'll be your boyfriend temporarily until you'll say you'll marry me. See? It works."

"What a speech," I couldn't help but laugh as I slid off his lap and made my way out of bed, shaking my head. I closed my eyes and sat down on my bed again as my vision blurred. I pressed my hand against my forehead as a sudden sharp pain hit my temples, radiating to my eyes. "Ugh, my head."

"Woah there. Take it easy," Zale's voice immediately changed tones as he slid out of my covers and next to me. When I felt his arm wrap around my waist to pull me closer, I closed my eyes and let my head rest on his shoulder. My headache began to fade as Zale released his pheromones for me. "Better?"

"Yeah," I sighed, relaxing. "Thanks."

"Of course," Zale nodded, nuzzling my ear. I felt a shiver run down my spine. "You should probably take another inhibitor. It'll help ease the pain of the aftereffects of your heat. I'll make some breakfast while you lie down and rest a little bit longer so you can have some food in your stomach when you take the pills. I'll come and get you when I'm done, okay?"

When Zale stood up, I grabbed the end of his shirt and looked up at him. When he turned around, I gave him a small smile. "I just wanted to say...thanks."

Zale grinned and knelt, gently brushing his mouth against my forehead, grazing his thumb across my cheek. "Of course, but don't thank me. Just let me take care of you and say you'll be mine. After that, we'll call it even."

When Zale walked out of the room with a smug look on his face, shutting the door behind him, I couldn't help but smile despite my embarrassment. 

"I guess it would be weirder if we weren't dating after everything that's happened," I thought with a sigh. 

This guy was going to be the end of me. 

For the first time in my life, I thought that Zale Ailswood wouldn't be such a bad guy to date after all. 


Hey guys!!! I hope you liked that chapter!!! ALAS, our bullheaded Mae is finally interested in Zale! It only took 57 chapters, right?.... Ehem....Anyway, I would love your comments, so tell me what y'all think so far! Feedback is my most FAVORITE thing in the world so if yall catch anything let me know! Thanks for sticking with me through this journey, and I hope y'all will stay with me! There are going to be a lot of interesting things coming up, so enjoy! 

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