chapter 13

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Hope pov

Woke up in the treehouse I called home, in the Cesar clan village at the time, it was a small treehouse. Perched high in the branches of a beautiful oak tree. As you climbed up the stairs, sturdy wooden steps led the way to the treehouse. It was built around a thick branch and was adorned with an array of woven vines. I thought at the time, as I got up from the bed or a nest the frame made from branches, and vines. The bedding was made of furs, from bear and deer skin. As well at the time, in the living room area, there was a table with a seashell and flowers. Koba had brought me a broken mirror he found, he was so sweet I thought at the time. 

There was a necklace made from shells, and vines as well, I thought to myself at the moment. Cesar gave it to me, Cesar was different from Koba. I thought at the time, there was something, I thought as I watched through my window. My eyes watched them come in through the pathway leading to the village, there he was. 

Cesar, the amazing leader of the clan and the ape village appeared from the dense underbrush, riding his beautiful black horse. How his fur glistened, I saw other apes carrying the day to harvest fruits and roots. As I studied Caesar and how he treated the other apes, in the moment, I saw that Caesar's eyes met my eyes. Then I quickly hid, afterward at the time, I swore he nodded at me, I thought at the time I felt my heart beating faster and faster at the moment. Soon after that, I went on my day being a harvest ape, gathering fruits and roots. in the village, I thought to myself at the moment, there were moments the village was quiet. and peaceful, I thought to myself as I was gathering fruits and other roots that we live off here in the village. I thought as I felt the warm air of the summer months coming to an end. fall was arriving, I was more worried about the winter months. my old home, with Mrs. white,  the winters were terrible things  I thought in the back of my mind, I still missed Mrs. white. My mother, I thought at the time to gather fruits and roots. “ How long do you grieve for someone, especially a human? '' I thought to myself. I was dealing with my emotions. 

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