Date with Disater (ep 5)

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Authors note: Incredibly long chapter! About 6110 words.

I hate doing kitchen duties.." I sighed as we were peeling the potatoes. "It would certainly be faster with some magic" Musa said as she finished peeling her potato in her hand.

She snapped her fingers and some of the potatoes were peeled but not all because her focus was immediately taken away when the door opened. "No magic! Home cooked meals are more healthier" said our teacher Master Folia as he entered the kitchen.

"How are the side dish coming around." He asked as he approached Musa. "Almost done sir." He saw the potatoes she peeled and he got irritated. "These potatoes are too small! Take off less skin and what about the omelets don't forgot to flip them!"

Tecna, Flora, Musa and me went to the four pans and took a hold of them. "Cooking is an art young ladies" Master Folia said as we one by one began to hold the pans above the stove.

"When I graduate from here I'm eating out every night." Musa said annoyed and Master Folia rolled his eyes. "Let's see you ladies flip those omelets. Come on."

Flora started off and she flipped it nicely, same goes for Musa and Tecna. I threw it too high and it ended up on the fan.

" bad" I nervously said and Master Folia rolled his eyes. "What are you waiting for turn off the fan!" Flora ran to the switch's but was immediately confused. "Uh, this one?" She flipped a switch but it made the fan go faster.

"Cone on little omelet. Don't be afraid trust me no one's going to eat you!" Musa said jokingly as she called out to the omelet on the fan.

"I said turn it offff!" Master Folia sang and Flora grew nervous as she tried to flip off the switch. I went to her side and began to help her. The fan finally stopped and the omelet flew off and landed on Master Folia's face.

"I'll have a word with the head mistress about granting you a permanent exemption from kitchen duty! You young fairies cause more trouble than help." Master Folia said angrily as he wiped off the omelet on his face.

"Now I must clean up before dinner time, keep an eye on the roast!" He said angrily as he walked out of the kitchen.
Flora checked up on the roast as we all continued to peel potatoes. "Everythings okay here!" She said as she went back to her station.

The door opened again and we all turned expecting Master Folia but was met with Stella. "Girls I have some really wild news!" She said happily and Tecna continued to peel her potato. "We know you managed to get out of kitchen duties, congratulations."

Stella nodded her head. "Oh but I have a perfectly valid reason for that." I got curious as I was peeling my potato. "What's your reason, Stella?"

Stella smiled "I'm going out tonight I've got a date isn't that exciting!" I immediately stopped peeling the potato and went to Stella's side.

"Is it Sky?" I asked curiously and Stella couldn't help but smile. "I received an invitation from him to black lagoon!" I squealed at the possibility of them two together. "Stella that's amazing! Aww it's going to be so romantic!"

"Wow!" Flora said also happy for Stella as she saw the invitation. "A guy who knows you and still wants to see you."Musa half joked around as she also stared at the invitation.

Stella frowned and gave us puppy dog eyes. "But what am I gonna wear I'm so confused, will you girls help me pick something?" I immediately nodded at Stella's request. "Count me in!"

"Same here"

"Not like we're doing anything here besides peeling."

Winx club x Black readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon