Betrayed 3/3

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"There she is." Varian said and I immediately went to him to see the screen. He was surprised for a moment but quickly regained him. He doesn't say anything for a moment before he sighed and points to the large red dot. "That's her." He said and turned to look at me, I nodded and point to the smaller red dots following Musa's dot. "Who's that then?"

Varian turned his attention to the screen again. "I don't know but she's gonna be trapped in a dead end soon.." it was entirely silent so everyone heard him. The girls all gasp and we stare at the screen shocked.  "We'll just have to move quick." Darwin reassured us and his attention went back to steering.
We begin to land near the dead end Musa found herself in and this caused some walls to be knocked down nearby.

Musa immediately peaked out from her spot and sighed in relief as she saw us all running out of the spacecraft. "Guys.." she said in gratitude as she ran to us. She immediately hugged us (the girls) and we hugged her back.

The guys all stare at the witches and the Trix who were giving them dirty looks. "We need to finish quickly since we need to finish our other task" Darwin said as he summoned a huge hammer with his wrist device.

Varian doesn't say anything and took out his sword and shield. Timmy took out his ray gun.


"Varian!" Riven yelled and everyone paused. "Let's see if you're so tough against me.." Riven took out his purple sword and Varian glared at him but said nothing.

Varian charged towards Riven and Riven does the same, the twos sword clash and Riven seemed to be struggling to hold back and quickly pushed Varian off. But Varian was quick and attacked him again, Riven quickly tried to block it and grew irritated as he saw how drastic their strength difference was.

The regular witches began to run away but Sky immediately slammed his sword on the ground and it created this green lightning to block their path.

The air grew cold and thunderous, everyone paused but Riven and Varian who are still fighting, everyone turned to the source; Icy and Stormy. Stormy was creating a big electric storm and Musa immediately spoke up. "We've got to do something, let's transform.."

We all transform and we're met with an immediate attack as Stormy quickly zapped Tecna and she fell to the ground. Timmy immediately ran towards her. "Tecna..!"

Stella screamed in surprise as her sleeve got ripped by one of Icy's ice shards. She flew off but more ice shard followed her. She took shelter behind a car but it began to crush her. She kept pushing it with her legs but it overpowered her soon. She screamed as the car suddenly blowed up.

"Stella!" Sky yelled as he fought some witches. Musa flew off to Stella but got stopped by Darcy. Darcy began to use her sound-waves on Musa and Musa quickly avoided her attacks.

Darcy grew angry and disappeared. She reappeared behind Musa and exploded, it was one of her clones. She began to make multiple clones and they all surrounded an unconscious Musa.

Darwin jumped in the air and smashed his hammer into the ground, the clones legs began to wobble and disappear. The real Darcy felt dizzy after her clones took such a hit and she fell to the ground.

Multiple witches were behind Darwin now and I immediately shot fire balls at them. "Don't even think about it." I said angrily and Darwin quickly went by my side instead of behind me.

"Thanks for the save.." he said and I nodded. I clenched my fist up and it began to glow a reddish hue. We attack the witches together.

Musa gained consciousness and flew off to aid Stella who was still in the fire.

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