Tested 3/3

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I walked out of the room and was instantly met with a dry, cold, and lifeless planet. I grew silent as I stared at my surroundings.

"...I-is this how it turned out like?" I asked uncertainty but almost with a hint of anxiety in my tone, I walked around the place and was so caught up with looking around I almost forgot about the test.

I snapped myself out of it and take off my backpack. I put it on the ground because I was tired of holding something so heavy. I squat down and opened it but immediately zipped it up upon seeing Blaze.

"..how do you always manage to sneak in my backpack Blaze" blaze only meowed in response and I unzipped my backpack again. He jumped into my arms and I lightly kissed his forehead before setting him down.

"Just sit tight okay? I'll try to finish up quickly" Blaze didn't seem to be paying attention to me and instead was looking around the planet.

I took out some plant seeds and planted them. I took out a potion soon after I put the seeds in the soil, this potion would give the seeds more accelerated growth process. I only put a few drops and then put my hands on the dirt and close my eyes.

I focus my attention on the life force and then I opened my eyes and saw a beautiful flower had grown. Blaze was right next to me and meowed as he stared at the flower. He suddenly grew defensive and quickly turned around.

His meows grew more aggressive and I turned my head over my shoulder to see the trix. "H-how?" I mumbled in shock and Icy smirked. "Hi there my little Winx." Blaze hissed and I got up "you can't be real.."

Darcy rolled her eyes "don't ask stupid questions" Darcy raised her finger in the air and it began to flash a dark spiral purple. "Defend yourself!" She then points her finger to me, I quickly ran out of the way and hide behind a rock.

I sighed in disbelief "they are definitely real enough to hurt me. Magix Winx!"

I flew into the air and shot a ball of fire at Darcy, she screamed in surprise as she hits the ground

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I flew into the air and shot a ball of fire at Darcy, she screamed in surprise as she hits the ground.  Icy and Stormy flew to Darcy and helped her up.

"Come on Darcy." Icy said sternly and Darcy's eyes glow a light purple and they disappeared. I was surprised but was still on guard since I knew this was another one of Darcy's tricks she would constantly use.

Blaze suddenly meowed in urgency but it was too late they surprised me from behind and hit me with attack from all three of them. I scream in pain and fell into the ground.

Blaze was pretty far away from me but was still trying to run over to my side. Stormy summons a ball of lightning and I immediately lift myself up to get away and fly into the air. Fortunately I was able to miss the attack.

Stormy smirked as she was still high up in the air "what are you gonna do now, Winx!" she laughed and I flew towards her firing balls of fire at her. She managed to dodge them but I wasn't so luckily and was met by another surprise attack by Icy. This time it was a cold blizzard, it was already cold enough so this just made it worse.

I screamed as I felt myself spinning around in the air, the cold air formed a massive ice around my leg and it stopped me from moving, I fell to the ground with the ice still intact on my legs.

Blaze's eyes glow a bright red and his heat vision aimed itself at Icy, he kept shooting his heat vision towards Icy and she screamed at the sudden impact and fell to the ground.

Stormy glared at Blaze "you pest!" Stormy screamed and lighting began to show up and the ground spilt up. I screamed in terror as the ground was breaking near me. I saw a pit of lava and felt myself grow anxious.

"Look, she's so terrified she's out of her fairy form!" Darcy laughed as she mocked me, Icy flew back into the air and was next to Darcy. "You're weak without your friends!" Icy said in disgust as she stared at my panicked state.

Blaze meowed in panic and I quickly looked up and saw him standing on a cliffhanger. "Blaze!" I screamed and he meowed in fear, Blaze was many things but he was not lava-proof.

I felt myself tense up and I put my hand on the ice without hesitation and began to melt it.

The ice exploded from the sudden warmth and I was thrown a few feet away from my previous spot and land on the floor, I groaned in pain but pushed past it as I remembered Blaze.

I got up. "hang on blaze!" I scream and Icy smirked "focus Y/n. You lose!" She laughed as she shot her magic towards Blaze. The cliffhanger broke and blaze fell in.

Without thinking I flew into the lava "Blaze!!" I screamed out of the top of my lungs as I tried to reach for him.

Blaze used his extended paw to try and reach out for my hand.  He meowed in hope but it was too late, he fell into the lava before our hands could reach.

I froze and stared at Blazes lifeless body in the lava, tears fell down my face.

The trix laughed "what are you gonna do girl?" Stormy said and Icy smirked "you're not gonna let us get away with destroying your little pest, are you?"

"Don't call him a pest ever!" I screamed out and my entire body glowed as fire surrounded me. I flew out of the lava pit and glared at them.

"You'll pay for Blazes death, I'll make sure of it!" I screamed out in anger and I summoned a giant ball of fire and aim it at the three. The trix screamed in pain as the fire took them out.

I lowered myself down and my knees gave out on me. I felt myself build up tears as I thought about Blaze.


I froze and looked around, I thought I was going crazy but I heard it again.


"Blaze..?" I said in disbelief as I spot him. He meowed and I saw a few couple of Blazes' behind him. I was confused and wiped the tears away.  The Blazes' all became one and the real blaze walked towards me. He jumped in my arms and licked my face.

I was confused by this sudden new ability of his, duplication. I decided not to question it since it might have been Darwin's doing anyways. I hug Blaze and he meowed and touched my face with his paw.

The simulation of domino began to disappear and Flora immediately ran out of the computer room and towards me. "Thank goodness you're alright!" She said and Stella came out a few moments later with rest of the girls. "Girl you completely crashed the simulation!" Stella said amazed and lightly hits my shoulder.

"D-did I?" I said in complete shocked and Musa lightly elbowed Stella's arm. "That shouldn't be our main concern here, Stella." Stella rolled her eyes and Tenca nodded "I agree." She said and Professor palladium and the rest of the class come out of the computer room.

Professor palladium ran to me and he had a worried expression on his face. "Are you alright?" I squeezed Blaze lightly and he licked my arm. I don't say anything in respond and just nodded.

"I'll postpone the exams, first we got to fix things up then we'll reschedule the exams." The students immediately scream out in joy.

"Three cheers for Y/n!" Stella yelled out and everyone called out my name: I grew embarrassed and wished she didn't say that. Stella seemed to notice and lightly squeezed my shoulders. "Relax girl, it's all over now." She smiled a bit to reassure me but I was still shaken up from that entire experience.

I decided to give her a smile to not have her worry over me. "Thanks Stella, I appreciate it."

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