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" Make sure you all keep a strong eye out.. Even if a pebble seems out of place, avoid. They're in their desperate last offense to keep themselves safe, using mutts, bombs, loyalists..."

" How manay loyalists did your damn new lead let go." Gale spits.

Zane turns quickly grabbing his collar, " I advise you watch that tongue boy, Lyme was doing a damn good job and by my and Snow's command balancing both... if your questioning her your questioning me. You have a problem?"

Gale struggles, Zane slams in in a near by wall " Do you have a problem soldier Hawthorne?"

" Isn't it frowned upon to hurt your own unit?" Gale grunts.

Zane laughs bitterly, " In 2, we don't give a damn we correct when we need to, regardless who it is. So again Hawthrone...do we have a problem Gale Hawthorne."

" No Sir." He says quickly.

Zane pushes him to the side, " Good, now get in back of the line, shut the hell up and stop acting like a little bitch." Zane straightens himself up, " Now where were we..."

" What to expect." River says.

Zane nods, " Right... We expect that plus more...our insides said they recruited all the remaining gamemakers and trainees to create an arena like base on the outskirts of the city."

" And that means.." I pipe up.

Zane looks at me, " We're going to treat this like a Hunger Game."

" And what do you mean exactly by that?" Evangeline says.

I look over at her, annoyance pinging in my chest. She looks at me for just a moment before looking back at Zane.

He smiles, " The Capitol are players to."

This drawls out a smile from all us victors. " I like the sound of that." River admits.

He looks around, " Glad to hear it, this means I want ALL of you on your A-game for the next couple weeks, I expect no deaths even if it's fake here. We'll still be in an active war zone, we're all clear."

" Yes sir." We all agree.

Zane nods, " Good, let's move."

He lead the group, " I bet he's just enjoying commanding an unit again." Cato mutters.

" Didn't I say to shut your damn mouth boy?" Zane said ahead of us.

" Don't give a shit." Cato calls back.

" Kaylaya get your boy under control." Zane says.

Merida: A New PanemWhere stories live. Discover now