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Kieran POV ( Long time no see right ;)...)

I watch that damn program, lifting my cup to be refilled with whiskey.

Celeste is with me, shaking lightly as she watches swallowing hard. " You think they actually died?" She asks.

" No. Besides the two guards from 13." I state shortly, " They would've found their bodies already."

One of the Peacekeeping Commanders just then walks in, " Any news." Grandfather asks, wiping the blood from his mouth, he's been coughing up more lately. I glance at the dark red substance then at him gritting my teeth.

I think the answer is obvious.

" No sir... no more bodies have been recovered at the location, though we did find something else.."

This sparks all our attention as he brings.. pictures.

" The hell are pictures going to do?" I ask scoffing.

Grandfather lifts a hand examining them. " Armor?"

" No, we think it's some of their tech they used to film. We found it in The Dulls-Berry apartments. We also found hairs, we ran tests before assuming... They're alive."

" What?" Celeste asks almost breaking down right then and there, " Grandfather-"

I see him pale, but he holds a hand up stopping Celeste from speaking. His expression is tight as he falls silent " Thank you..." He nods off the Commander who leaves just as quickly.

We all fall silent.

The bastards are still alive.... How... How can they still be alive?!

All I hear is the soft sobs coming from my sister making my blood boil " And what will crying do?!" I burst glaring at my sister.

She looks at me wide eyed, I sigh " I'm sorry... What do we do?" I direct my attention to Grandfather who still stares straight ahead, his eyes come back to me. " I think it's best if we leave. While we still can."

" You can't be serious." I spit. " Your running... away from children?!"

" Those ' Children' my dear son.... Will kill us if they get her...when they get here, we could be compromised right now as we speak. And all I want is for you to be safe, for both of you to be safe... There's a bunker that I could live the rest of my days-"

" No!" I growl slamming my fist into the table. " I refuse! I refuse to be....Cavemen like those people! I will not stand for it!"

He looks taken back but lifts his head, " You need to know when to strike Kirean.... and when to wait..."

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