chapter 2

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Levi spent the rest of the day in someone's office. He didn't bother asking who it was.

They already asked a ton of questions. He could feel the feigned anger and confusion off of her. Every new period, she came in, a new attempted  emotion and new personality to try and get him to open up, and every five minutes after she left in a fit of frustration.

They called his parents. But they couldn't come pick him up cause of work. Not like he wanted them to come anyway.

The longer the better.

As the final bell rang, she came in again.

But not alone.

His dad stood with her, anger practically radiating off of him.  It chocked him, he couldn't breathe without the feeling strangling his neck.

He held his arms on his hips, a scowl permanently etched onto his face as his eyes settled into a subtle glare.

"Right, shall we pick this up tomorrow, ey Levi? Try an get to the bottom of it."

His dad scoffed, a sneer on his face as he bent forward to grab the boy's arm and drag him out of the office, his hoodie sleeve near to ripping off. Not like it was far off anyway.

At least it wasn't his arm.

As the man dragged him out of the office, students moved out of the way and watched with hushed whispers and jokes.

At the end, Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski and Allison Argent stood against the lockers, eyes trained on the pair.

They'd been coming up with a plan to find Lydia when Scott had perked up at the sound of a raging heartbeat, although he didn't know which of the two it was coming from.

"So, he just ran out of class because...?"

Allison raised her brow at her boyfriend, staring as the father and son duo stormed through the exit, seeing how he winced.

"He got asked to read."

"He got asked to read?"

Stiles rolled his eyes.

"He's new. Scott saw a light coming off of him or something. And then he turns up to English late, sits down, gets asked to read, and he looks like he's about to cry and then he storms out."

Allison nodded, and was about to speak before Harley, a girl they spoke to now and then, walked up to the group with an arched brow.

"Who storms out?"

They all look at her, "the new boy."

A look of realisation appeared on her face, "oh, him. Heard about his dad. He seems a bit... You know."

The Stilinski boy looked between the trio, a look of exasperation on his face.

"How do you even know about it? It literally just happened two seconds ago?"

A smirk pulled at her painted lips, "girls talk."

He furrowed his brows, shaking his head.

"What did I fucking tell you? Keep your head down, do the work, and get the grades. You couldn't even stay in one lesson, hm? And that woman? She thinks she's so high and mighty. Talking to me like she knows everything about you already." He shook his head, "this is your mother's fault, you know? If I had just... Picked someone different. But no, I had to pick the fucking freak and have her child!"

Levi held his breath. The words defending his mother sat on the tip of his tongue but never left. He felt everything his dad felt.

And he hated it.

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