chapter 13

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Scott held his head in his hands, sat in the passenger seat of Stiles' death trap of a Jeep as he watched said boy talk to his dad, the sheriff.

Behind him, lay a barely conscious, naked Jackson Whittemore who had been covered with a blanket they'd found in the trunk, and a drunk Levi Powis who was babbling about Isaac and Erica.

"They're real jerks. Who leaves someone at a club when- when they forced them to go? Fuck them. What assholes. Right Scott?"

Hearing his name, the McCall spun his head round with raised brows, seeing both the teens in the back seats were becoming more restless: Jackson especially as he was becoming more aware of his surroundings too.

"Uh, yeah. Hey Levi?" The boy hummed in question. "How about you try and sleep? It's been a very long night."

This is when Jackson figured it was the best time to try and sit up. It wasn't. For Sheriff Stilinski, who was already suspicious of his son and his best friend, was right outside. The blond began groaning, whether in pain or confusion neither knew.

"What's happening?"

He raised a hand to his head, trying to stop the pounding. And if Levi hadn't had drank half his body weight in alcohol, he would've felt the fear building up in him.

"Jackson... I'm sorry but-" realising he was a second away from being caught with a naked boy in his vehicle, he reacted quickly. Maybe too quickly, given he hadn't even thought it through. But nevertheless, he threw a punch at the Whittemore's jaw, knocking him out instantly.

Levi watched with a gaping mouth and wide eyes, looking between the unconscious blond and the tanned boy in front of him.

"You-you're not gonna do that to me right?"

Scott pursed his lips, nervously looking over at the Sheriff and Stiles with a wave.

"What? No. No. Just, be quiet."

The shorter brunette nodded slowly and shrunk back into his seat, ignoring the way Jackson's legs were sprawled out over him.

Levi groaned out as he stretched in the back of Stiles' Jeep, allowing his eyes to get used to the light.

He was alone, that much he could tell. And another thing, his head was killing him.


It felt like a hundred emotions were pounding into it at once, but no. How could that be? There's was no one around.

Scrunching his brows, the boy tried his best to remember what happened and how he got there.

The previous night.

Erica and Isaac took him to a club.

They did shots.

A lot of shots.

Then what?

He saw Stiles.

The Kanima attacked.

He was put into the car with Jackson and that's it.

He must've fallen asleep.

The brunette looked around, seeing they were in the middle of the woods. And there was a police van a few metres away.

Pushing away the aching hangover, he could feel a raging panic inside, and irritation, and anger.


Slowly, painstakingly almost, the pale teen climbed out of the car and walked closer to the van, feeling the emotions cleared.

Definitely Jackson.

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